Western_reefers 28 gallon Nano-Cube HQI diary.

Literally 1/4" inch frag to this in 6 months. :) Looks WAYYY better under the MH and in person, the picture was taken with a flashlight pointing at it so colors arent showing much. Its wayy more purple and prettier. ;)
Is all that encrustation from the same frag too?!? Holy crap, sweet lookin colony. What is it, a pearlberry or tricolor?
Here is a picture of it with the lights on. Still, it looks better in person.. lol Oh and good thing its stronger than the Jedi Monti that's next to it because they already touch and the Acro owns the monti.. lol

You can still see the Original 1/4" frag in the picture as well, here is another picture with it outlined in red.
Ahhh ok, that is the monti encrusting below it. Sweet acro, love the color and irregular branching.
Looks like you are on an NPS kick huh? Did that gorg grow that big or is that a new one?

Lookin great Mo!
Wow...great tank and great thread! Question: for the benefit of everyone, can you list all that you do to maintain your tank? What do you dose, supplement, etc? What do you feed, and how often? Hope to get as much detail as possible. I'm about to pull the trigger on a setup very similar to yours, so this thread has been invaluable. Keep up the great work!
Love that topdown, but it looks like you may be out of room! Maybe time for a bigger tank? ;) Dendros looking great also.