Wet skimming


Premium Member
When you talk about wet skimming to intentionally adjust your cup to get a moderately high water content in your skimmate?

What are the advantages of this method?

I think I have mostly been dry skimming most of my reef career.
When you skim wet, you can take out the bugger hunks of organics and deterius that would other wise build up in a corner.
Yup, while you may need to replenish some SW when skimming wet [I replace about 1-2 gallons weekly] ... in my 6 months of experience running my skimmer like this it seems to get `more' out of the water.

Whether that's more particulate that my beckett seems to pump through when wet-skimming ... or just more bacteria/phyto being exported [holding nutrients in their biomass] - I've had good success with it.

Not all skimmers can be run this way [based on how you control water level] - and some may do it better than others [ask different folks, get different answers about this one].

I've been happy with my 6 [slightly more now] months running my skimmer wet + oversized [pm bullet 2 on 58g tank]. Maybe I'll change in the future - all I can say is that it appears to `work' so far.
New Noob,
I don't think it misses disolved organics or plankton. In fact I would venture a guess it takes out more:)
My only complaint with Wet Skimming, is I tend to have an overflow event too often. I have an ES8-2+ with an overflow 1 gallon container off the side of the cup. Works great when it's running right. Tank looks cleaner and you see the stuff it's taking out is a nice green water with many solids in it. If I could set it to pull 1/2 gallon per day it would be perfect. But when I set it just right, feeding the tank or something else forces the skimmer to overflow, dumping a full gallon in about 1/2 hour, overflowing the overflow, and it spills out into my stand. Bad situation. I'm thinking of trying to plumb some sort of a Bottomless Container into the system, I could put a float valve that would shut off the skimmer if the sump level drops too far. Ultimately that's what happens, the skimmer overflows until the return pump in the sump runs dry. The noise of the pump warns me or the wife what has happened.
Anyway, wet skimming is a good thing.

I recently started to wet skim my system, seems to be working much better than when I was pulling out just the think stuff....and its not nearly as bad dumbing out of the cup
The reasoning behind it is, you hope, through increasing skimmate volume, that more junk is removed from the water. With the water level higher in the chamber, and more wet foam being collected, there is a greater chance that particulate matter (that wouldn't normally be collected) would be skimmed out.

However, if your system isn't set up to facilitate this process, all the wet skimming in the world won't make a difference. If that little particle doesn't make it to the sump, and doesn't make it to the skimmer pump inlet, it doesn't get skimmed out.

Also, I wonder how much of the benefits of wet skimming are actually due to the necessary forced water changes to keep salinity at the proper level.. :)

hef - That is one of the nicer parts of my PM skimmer - as the cup is `pressurized' ... so that the collection cup is too. When the ping-pong float seals the collector [when full] ... the skimmer quits producing.

When skimming wet, it's one heck of a benefit. Every month I end up with an overnight gallon of skimmate which filled the container in too short of order.

That said - I've grown found of a `wet skimming water change' as I guess I'll call it ... setting things to be really wet [gallon every couple hours] - put the output in a 5 gal bucket, my top-up in 100% SW ... and letting it skim the 5 gallon bucket full, replacing with new SW. Just check the bucket every few hours ... and in the course of watching the playoffs the tank looks better.

I'm not positive the above method is perfect, or doesn't impact other aspects of my water chemistry - but seems like it works well and the full bucket while not dark skimmate sure isn't clear water.

Maybe so, maybe the clear water from runnign wet thins out the concentration, and in actuality it is pulling out the same.

I will still run wet none the less, IMO its the best way to skimm, it picks up all the food i feed and all the deterius, and all the molts....
kheflw said:
My only complaint with Wet Skimming, is I tend to have an overflow event too often. I have an ES8-2+ with an overflow 1 gallon container off the side of the cup. Works great when it's running right. Tank looks cleaner and you see the stuff it's taking out is a nice green water with many solids in it. If I could set it to pull 1/2 gallon per day it would be perfect. But when I set it just right, feeding the tank or something else forces the skimmer to overflow, dumping a full gallon in about 1/2 hour, overflowing the overflow, and it spills out into my stand. Bad situation. I'm thinking of trying to plumb some sort of a Bottomless Container into the system, I could put a float valve that would shut off the skimmer if the sump level drops too far. Ultimately that's what happens, the skimmer overflows until the return pump in the sump runs dry. The noise of the pump warns me or the wife what has happened.
Anyway, wet skimming is a good thing.



Do you have the gate valve modification ?If not this might help this problem slightly .
MiddletonMark said:

Not all skimmers can be run this way [based on how you control water level] - and some may do it better than others [ask different folks, get different answers about this one].

Isn't that the truth , Can you guess my answer ?:D
I wish I could skim wet. I don't think my Berlin Classic will do it. In order to wet skim, you have to restrict the flow return out. Correct? This raises the water level in the skimmer.
Is that wet skimming water change ever a great idea.
If youââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢re going to take out 5g of water for a change, why not take out 5g of dirty water...

My system presently won't let me do this.. but I will be doing it in the future....


that is a great idea. im definitely gonna try it next time i need to add a little more sw.