what´s going on with my Acro?

I have to say that my Okinawa gobi likes to sit in this place... So maybe it's that?
Perry thought it could be this... I have no experience with AEFW...
Kinda hard to tell. Something is bothering it for sure but it doesn't look like AEFW to me. It looks like baby monti nudis but they would have no reason to be on an Acro but I have seen them eat a Valida before. Beautiful coral
I say this Flo only because AEFW usually operate unseen at the base of the coral, moving up, by the time most notice on the view-able part of the coral, usually at that point it would be an infestation. However, if one blew off another coral, and landed on this acro, in theory it would begin working on the coral. To me it looks like irritation and shading, which could be that little goby :)
Okay... Hmmm that gobi bastard :D

But he is move through all my sps near the drop...
I really have to keep a close eye on that...

What is the treatment against AEFW? Only dipping?

Thanks guys for the input
I really had no idea until I read that you have a goby that likes to sit there. I'd bet big money on goby irritation.
Doesn't look to me like eafw..
Afew usually start at the base under side. You clearly see thier bite marks. I think it's safe to discount afew.
Anyway to pull it and dip it to be sure?
there is always a way but it would mean breaking it of the rock... don´t think i´ll be able to attach it there again...
I really had no idea until I read that you have a goby that likes to sit there. I'd bet big money on goby irritation.
Doesn't look to me like eafw..
yes it was my gfs idea... :hammer: i was too weak to say no and didn´t think about the consequences... :headwally:
Afew usually start at the base under side. You clearly see thier bite marks. I think it's safe to discount afew.
no the base seems okay... have to check again today after work...
I was hoping I was wrong. It looks to me that there IS something on it in the close up pics
yes there is something, but it could be something from the polyp it self...
It's got it's mesenteric filaments out a bit.. Like its irritated. I really don't see anything much else..
It would be interesting if you could put a net around this area so that the goby couldn't go there anymore, and see if that helps.
Those gobies, although they don't do major damage usually, they definitely eat the polyps of the Acro. And when the make a nest, they clear the flesh away completely.
Thanks matt!!

Yeah perry said the same... When I came home today guess where it sat? :D
Hmmm have to think about that net... Maybe I find a way to get the goby away from there... It is sitting on my big staghorn too but there is nothing to see
Maybe that's because the staghorn isn't so fuzzy...?
It doesn't just sit there, those gobys like to literally hump the coral for the slime. I had one in a smaller tank and it almost killed a slimer sliding up and down the branches. Dispatch, with prejudice. ... or just take it back to the store. :lolspin:
Well.... Thank you Mark.
I have a new name to call people I don't like: 'slime humping gobies'

Like, when a car drives through a puddle and splashes me, I will yell 'you slime humping goby!!!!!!

Or 'I just can't decide which slime humping goby to vote for in the next election..'

Or... 'I pity the slime humping goby who marries Kim Kardashian...'

Thanks, bud! :)
Well.... Thank you Mark.
I have a new name to call people I don't like: 'slime humping gobies'

Like, when a car drives through a puddle and splashes me, I will yell 'you slime humping goby!!!!!!

Or 'I just can't decide which slime humping goby to vote for in the next election..'

Or... 'I pity the slime humping goby who marries Kim Kardashian...'

Thanks, bud! :)

Oh Matt, now that is pretty funny stuff right there :)
It doesn't just sit there, those gobys like to literally hump the coral for the slime. I had one in a smaller tank and it almost killed a slimer sliding up and down the branches. Dispatch, with prejudice. ... or just take it back to the store. :lolspin:
don´t know if u can get it out...
Well.... Thank you Mark.
I have a new name to call people I don't like: 'slime humping gobies'
Like, when a car drives through a puddle and splashes me, I will yell 'you slime humping goby!!!!!!
Or 'I just can't decide which slime humping goby to vote for in the next election..'
Or... 'I pity the slime humping goby who marries Kim Kardashian...'
Thanks, bud! :)
isn´t kim already married? :blown:
She's been married 3 times but her current husband must be the BIGGEST slime humping goby on the planet...

Except for maybe the two front runners in the American election...

... And an ex girlfriend of mine from waaaay back..
She's been married 3 times but her current husband must be the BIGGEST slime humping goby on the planet...

Except for maybe the two front runners in the American election...

... And an ex girlfriend of mine from waaaay back..

but the brain bugs running for president are top notch! i think the talking hair piece is the worst slime humping goby!