What 48 x 18 Tank for Frag Tank?

custom made...I'm in the same boat as you. if you find something let me know. I'm thinking about a 33long. 48 x 12. because a 48 x 18 frag tank was like 200ish bucks. let me know if you find anything.
Maca: Have you seen all glass cages dot com? They have a 50 long with the same footprint but only 13 inches high. You can pick it up in orlando for $30 and not have to pay shipping. The problem is picking it up in orlando!! Maybe we could do a group buy and split the shipping?
either the 50 long...or maybe even the 70 wide. lol I'd be down, but I deff couldn't fit both tanks in my car. I'm leaving for chicago for the next 11 days, but will be jumpin on the internet every now and then. let me know if you decide to go that way.
Would you be interested in going in on a small group buy to get the tanks. Maybe we can save on shipping or something.
