What am I and How do you control me?


Premium Member

Help what started as a beautiful blue-green fernlike macro algae is now full blown out of control. I have emerald crabs, scarlet and blue hermits, a purple tang, a sailfin blenny, flame and coral beauty angels. Nothing will eat this stuff. I have tried scrubbing the rock to no avail. I am using lots a phosphate remover in my canister and I am using UV sterilization. I am losing!!

This algae adheres to everything including glass and has infected my fiji moonstone coral.


Bryopsis pennata from the attitude, though, yes, the pic isn't the best.

The UV won't help much if your system's throughput and circulation are weak: the UV bulb only nukes what passes through it, and if there's water in the display that dodges the suck into UV long enough, then viable fragments of 'Bryo' will remain in play long enough to propagate.

If removal to a separate container for scrub-and-rinse alone isn't working, then you might want to enlist sacoglossan herbivory. Keep in mind that while the slug E. crispata is commonly available, nearly all such slugs can have relatively short life spans.

Frankly, none of the animals you listed are known to be standout herbivores vs. 'Bryo' (there are even a non-herbovores included)particulalrly if they're already fat and happy on other food.
