What am I doing wrong?

I picked up some Penguin 100 biowheel hob filters, and Amquel+ Plus.

Once I added the Amquel+ Plus the clowns energy levels rose, they fed on cyclopyese last night.

I tested the water this morning, and was still detecting ammonia, I am figuring that this because the ammonia is in the water, just bound to the Amquel+ Plus, so it is safe for the fish. Correct?
No, not necessarily. There are two kinds of ammonia tests. If you have the kind that turns yellow to green, it's accurate with Amquel. If so, you may have more ammonia than the Amquel you put in could handle. A certain dose handles a certain amount of ammonia, so if you have mroe ammonia, you need more Amquel+.

If you have the other kind (I can never remember that color), it will measure ammonia that is even bound up by Amquel, so you won't get an accurate measure of what the fish are going through.

Good to hear the clowns have perked up! Don't neglect the water changes even with the Amquel, until the tank stablizes on it's own.
I have no faith in my NH4 test. I tested my chae water, reef water, QT water and RO/DI water, all reads 0.5

I will try and get a different brand tonight, but something is not working right.

The fish look to be breathing harder than normal. Ther activity is minimal. they are swimming just off hte floor in one corner of the tank. Larger one has long stringy white poop with a red blotch.

I have prazi-pro comming tomorrow to treat for worms. What other treatment should I consider? Salinity is now 1.011
I would forget about the stringy poop for now, unless they are getting thin. Treat internal worms last. Continue the hypo for ick.

Where is the red blotch and what does it look like? Any chance of a pic? Red, except around the gills, is usually a sign of a bacterial infection. Furan-2 is my preferred treatment for bacterial infections, because it handles gram-negative and gram-positive in one go.

You need LOTS of air to treat with Furan-2 and hypo at the same time. The HOB filters will help a lot, but a couple of airstones for good measure would be an appropriate precaution.
The red spot was in the stringy white poop...it is lon and white, then red spot, then long and white.

The body looks good. Activity is low, but they are active.
Hmmm. Possible internal injury, so blood on the worm? Just hypothesizing.

The hypo/Praziquantel combo will probably be good. Be careful not to overdose with the Prazi.
thanks for everything Nicole

I have 7" air bars in each tank... I have my Royal Gramma, Maroon Clown and Anthis (if I can catch him) in a second QT undergong hypo as well.

Fun times!
Lately it seems like there is a rash of people battling major illnesses. and infestations. Its a harsh lesson about QT -- one I learned the hard way, too. Some folks seem to slide through and never get a problem (or else they aren't paying attention), but it only takes once comtemplating QTing everything for 6 weeks to realize that having a small QT up and running for new acquisitions isn't so hard after all...

You may want to run the safety of hypo with Prazi past Kelli over at the MD forums, just to be sure.