What angels do you guys consider Reef safe


Active member
I know not the pygmy, but how about the Pomacanthus sp.

I want to place an Angel in my 65G. Unfort I have an aggressive six line wrasse and purple tank, but hope to buy one larger than them and make it "The Man" in the tank. Ive seen a few nice Asfurs, but have been afraid.

BTW- Also want to add a medium size Chevron Tang but have not found one.

Current Stock-
six line wrasse, 3"
purple tang, 4"
black cap basslett, 2"
midas blenny, 3"
small marroone clown, 2"
watchman goby that never leaves his cave, but eats like a pig.
Divided wrasse, 3"- I got 1 week ago but has only come out of sand twice. I dont give it much chance if it doesnt butch up to the six line.

That's besides the point- in a 65 only a pygmy will do and they will theoretically are the least safe.I don't really live by that rule since I love angels and have kept pretty much all of them in my tank , I like holochantus but none of them would be suitable for a 65.

So a cetrophyge will do but is has its risks.
Agree with gasman...except for the spelling. JK.

The centropyge species or "dwarf" angels are all likely to take some swipes at things. Some do have a better history than others. I have had good luck with the Flame and Coral Beauty. The Bicolor, Embili, and Pygmy seem to have the worst reputations.
so you have -

six line wrasse, 3"
purple tang, 4"
black cap basslett, 2"
midas blenny, 3"
small marroone clown, 2"
watchman goby
Divided wrasse, 3"

and you want to add another tang (Chevron Tang) and an angel in a 65?
Man that Suc$s. I like angels. I guess a bigger tank is in the future. ;)

I had a Flame for a while. He picked here and there on Birds eyes but never caused much damage. The Elephant Ear Coral got him first.

I ended up donating that Elephant ear thinking it had done me a favor with the Flame Angel. (and the flame shrimp, sunburst anthias, spotted goby, and kitchen sink).
argy angel from what i hear is reef safe. I had one and it was a model citizen for several years.. It stood its ground but never provoked and I never saw it nibble on anything other then pods and liverock.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478002#post12478002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chef Reef
so you have -

six line wrasse, 3"
purple tang, 4"
black cap basslett, 2"
midas blenny, 3"
small marroone clown, 2"
watchman goby
Divided wrasse, 3"

and you want to add another tang (Chevron Tang) and an angel in a 65?

Chef- If they would all "just get along", I can handle the bioload. I am very "anal" about husbandry. But yes, doubtful they would all get along. Just wishful thinking i guess.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12477755#post12477755 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
why not the pygmy?

brians4671- Centropye (pygmys) are notorious for munching on corals. Some do, some dont, you never know.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478026#post12478026 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dynamixone
argy angel from what i hear is reef safe. I had one and it was a model citizen for several years.. It stood its ground but never provoked and I never saw it nibble on anything other then pods and liverock.

What is an argy angel?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12477794#post12477794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
That's besides the point- in a 65 only a pygmy will do and they will theoretically are the least safe.I don't really live by that rule since I love angels and have kept pretty much all of them in my tank , I like holochantus but none of them would be suitable for a 65.

So a cetrophyge will do but is has its risks.

Yes, unfortunately Holachantus require bigger tanks, thats why i was hoping on Pomacanthus sp. :mad:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12477880#post12477880 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
most angels will go after softies and lps's, if you have a mix reef stay away

This i was not aware of Rogger! I do like LPS, and some softies so it stinks. :mad:

Bigger tank i can sacrifice into getting ;) , but i wont give up my LPS, and certain softies!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478213#post12478213 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dynamixone

Ohh ok, :hmm2: , Typical pygmy. Rumor has it they like coral, besides, ive had in the past they are extremely agressive.

If im going to have a bully, he better be a bad a$$ fish or he's out!

Thats reason for this post. If possible, my last addition would be a medium- large sized angel that would be the prized guy.
Well as I'm posting i'm looking at my pygmy muching on the rest of my duncan colony( does that answer the question) lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12478447#post12478447 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
the flameback angel?

No, Flame Angel, Centropyge loriculus, but my understanding is Centropye sp. in general are 50/50 shot.