What are the best lights for macroalgae?

We bought a live rock with a variety of green and red macroalgae for our main tank, but some of it is not doing well. We currently have blue actinics and 10000 K over the tank as we would like to have corals some day. The other inhabitants of the tank include 2 juvenile perculas, 1 small yellow tang, 2 peppermint shrimp, assorted snails, and two hermits.

The algae was bright green, then one day it "made smoke" (my 4-year old's description) and began to shrivel up and/or bleach shortly thereafter. When it was apparently thriving, the algae resembled a bottle brush. It is soft and sways in the current. I will include a picture later.

About a week later, the snails began to die off, and the hermit crabs seem to be MIA. Our NH3/NO2-/NO3- are all at 0, and phosphorus is at the low end, but I forgot to record the result. Alkalinity is at 3.5 mEq, pH 8.2. Temp= 77Ã"šÃ‚°F, sp. gr. = 1.021.

Thanks for your help.
Sounds like the algae went sexual. Some algae's will go into a sexual phase and do a mass release of gametes (the smoke) and die back. Between the gametes and the die off, often water conditions get a bit dicey and cause other critter's to die off :( A picture will help us determing what kind of algae and what it's growth requirements are as well as it's propensity for going sexual.