What best white substrate for nano?

any aragonite of about that grain size will work well. IMHO, the extra you pay for Fiji "pink" isn't really worth it - at least to my eye, it's not very pink!
i see.. so you vote for special grade too?


Sure. I started my 120DT with sugar fine and really liked it but it was difficult to keep clean if with a good CUC. It also got blown around considerably due to the flow requirements of a SPS reef. I switched out to special grade about a year ago and am very happy with it so far.
Sure. I started my 120DT with sugar fine and really liked it but it was difficult to keep clean if with a good CUC. It also got blown around considerably due to the flow requirements of a SPS reef. I switched out to special grade about a year ago and am very happy with it so far.

thank you. at the moment I only have a Tunze 6040.

Do you have an image of your tank with that sand?

what about the Ocean Direct Live?
This is from a few years ago. The sugar fine sand moved itself around so that in the front it was almost bare while in the back it was over 4"

thank you! what a bout fiji pink?

Fiji pink is cheap and you get what you pay for.

If you decide to use it my advice to you would be to thoroughly rinse it before putting it in your tank. I have it in my newest setup and didn't rinse it beforehand and regretted that decision very quickly.

- My tank stayed cloudy for almost a week.

- The water pumps blow the sand all over the place with ease creating bare spots in the corners.

- I had a huge diatom bloom a few weeks ago from all of the silicates in the sand.

If I had to do it over, I would not use Fiji pink again...I was trying to go cheap with this setup and I've had more headaches with this tank start up than any saltwater aquarium I've had in the past.
Thank you, I'm checking for availability of Special Grade here in Italy, but it's not easy to find it....

if I don't get to find it what do you think of the Ocean Direct Live that is the only one available (at the moment)?
Thank you, I'm checking for availability of Special Grade here in Italy, but it's not easy to find it....

if I don't get to find it what do you think of the Ocean Direct Live that is the only one available (at the moment)?

I had Ocean's Direct live sand in my last saltwater aquarium. I really liked it but I would recommend that you rinse it thoroughly to remove all the fine silt before adding it to your tank.