What Can A 7092 Single Controller do?


Active member
I am considering getting one with a controllable pump but there is confusing information for me about what it does. Here are my questions.

On a controllable Tunze pump can I just run the pump regular and control the output or flow of the pump? Say I want to run it at 2500 gph in the am and then turn the flow up to 3100 in the evening with out a pulse? Is there a way to manually turn the flow up and down when I want?

Next question, can I use the controller to turn the pump off and on?

What speed does the pump run at in feed mode and for how long?

I am not really to interested in a wave, but would also like to have it do a surge. Maybe every 30 seconds or so where it would shut off for 30 seconds then turn on at full power for 30 seconds?

Thanks, kinda tired of my MP40, its a cool pump but not alot of travel length in the flow. My tank is 6 feet long and it only reaches like half of that it seems.
I am considering getting one with a controllable pump but there is confusing information for me about what it does. Here are my questions.

On a controllable Tunze pump can I just run the pump regular and control the output or flow of the pump? Say I want to run it at 2500 gph in the am and then turn the flow up to 3100 in the evening with out a pulse? Is there a way to manually turn the flow up and down when I want?

You can do that with no controller, the pumps have a setting on the power supply for 6055 and 6095 and a potentiometer for 6105, 6155,6255 that enables you to vary the speed. If you use a controller you can vary the voltage on the power supply to change the range but the potentiometer must be left at full power. You would then set both speed knobs the same and use pulse mode if you wanted a constant flow speed

Next question, can I use the controller to turn the pump off and on?

No, the controller will pulse between two speeds, you would need a 7095 or 7096 to turn them off in interval mode, the only exception would be food timer turns the pumps off on all controller models. Wavemode on the 7092 is off and on but probably not what you are looking for as it is off for say .50 seconds on for .50 seconds and 2 seconds is the longest possible, the goal of this mode is to produce a wave.

What speed does the pump run at in feed mode and for how long?

In feed mode it is off and on the 7092 it is preset and varies from about 6 minutes to about 15 minutes but is generally 8-10, this time is set by how long it takes a capacitor to discharge and this varies so there is a range across units and it is not adjustable

I am not really to interested in a wave, but would also like to have it do a surge. Maybe every 30 seconds or so where it would shut off for 30 seconds then turn on at full power for 30 seconds?

The 7092 has two modes, wavemode and pulse mode. Pulse mode is pulsing between 2 speeds every 2-10 seconds, so 30-100% for example, wave mode is off and on every .30-2.00 seconds. If you have two pumps you can set them to be synchronous (both doing the same thing) or inverse (opposite, so one is at 30 when the other is at 100 or one is on when the other is off)

Thanks, kinda tired of my MP40, its a cool pump but not alot of travel length in the flow. My tank is 6 feet long and it only reaches like half of that it seems.

The 6105 would be the best suited, it will reach the full length of the tank, for not a whole lot more money, if you do plan more than one pump, the 7096 has far more options. With one pump, the 7096 is not much more useful than a 7092. There is a logic to the modes we offer, the pulse mode concept is that the fast and slow water collide and you end up with a "mushroom cloud" of flow, the flow is spread by this collision and off and on does not do quite the same thing, it more accurately mimics the wash of waves as well.
Thanks for the responces.

So on the 6105, there is a knob to control the flow up and down whenever I want or are you referring the changing the voltage to control the output? If you have to change the voltage, could that be a hassle or is it just a matter of turning a knob?
Both, the 6105 has a knob on the junction box where the power and controller connect, this is a range adjustment from 30-100%. The power supply uses 2 pin jumpers, 12, 18 and 24V are included, so if you set 12V you can set a range with the knob of 30-100% of about 1800gph, 24V is 3400 gph and 18V is between the two. If you use a controller, you must have the knob at 100% but you can still use the different jumpers. To change the jumper you just unplug the power, use a finger nail to pry out the small two pin resistor and install the one you want to use.
Both, the 6105 has a knob on the junction box where the power and controller connect, this is a range adjustment from 30-100%. The power supply uses 2 pin jumpers, 12, 18 and 24V are included, so if you set 12V you can set a range with the knob of 30-100% of about 1800gph, 24V is 3400 gph and 18V is between the two. If you use a controller, you must have the knob at 100% but you can still use the different jumpers. To change the jumper you just unplug the power, use a finger nail to pry out the small two pin resistor and install the one you want to use.

Thanks, how come there is no photos of the knob on this pump? I have not seen any photos online that show this. Do you have a photo or know where I can see one? Its not on Tunze site.

So the knob just turns to control the output of the pump, kinda like my Vortec knob?
I am sorry Roger, I still do not see it! I see something, and the words are in German so I can not read it. I called marine depot and they say they do not know about the knob. I also can not find anything on the internet about it and can not see any photos.

I want to buy the pump and the control knob on the pump has alot to do with it. Do you have a color photo?
It is a small white knob on the junction box where the controller plug and power attaches

<img src="http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c370/shawnz28/P1000917.jpg">
Thank you Shawn...Dan and I were just talking about you! Do you like the controlability with the knob, if say you were not running a controller?
No problem! I think it definitely is useful though not something I would change often if not using a controller. It is nice if you see too much flow on a coral to be able to just turn it down. Between the jumpers and the knob you can set the pump to about any speed you want.
In general people use these pumps with a controller, when you use a controller it is critical that this knob be set at 100%. It is rarely used since so few people buy a fancy controllable pump like this with the intention of just running one fixed speed with no controller, most people want to pulse them or alternate pumps and set up more sophisticated patterns with a controller. I would guestimate the only time people really use this feature is if they are piecing a set together and have not yet purchased a controller or if the controller is out for repairs.
I would agree with Roger. I just would not find it convenient to change the setting very often without a controller
Thats dissapointing, I am not really interested in a $300 controller to adjust the flow and it seems as though the 7092 only pulses if I am not mistaken. I want a pump that I can adjust the flow manually like the vortec. The 6105 seemed the closes to that with the knob. If regular control using the knob is not an option than I guess the pump is not as well. Thanks

I am not sure where the miscommunication is, a 6105 is $340, and a 7092 is about $70, the combo is still cheaper than an MP-40 and will do anything a single MP-40 could do. With no controller you can still adjust the flow at will, it just is not something most people do, it requires turning the knob every time you want to adjust the flow and most people want to set up a wave or a pulsed flow. The 7096 is the most featured controller we offer and runs about $170 but unless you have 2 pumps, you don't really gain any features, but if you plan on 2 pumps it really is worth extra money and still not more expensive than 2 MP-40's for pumps that are quieter and more flexible since you can adjust them by voltage as well and change the flow housing.