What Chillers Are You Running?


New member
Hey Guys,

Planning an upgrade (about 300+ gallons), and was wondering what you big-tank owners are running on your tank? Can you include the brand and HP, and whether you're happy with the selection?

I've had good experiences with JBJ Arctica, and was planning on going with this, but wanted to see what other brands out there do well (particularly on the larger tank sizes).

Thanks in advance for your help,

I like tradewind any a/c teck can fix or fill it. It works and runs great I have a 1/3 hp on a 270 system
Interesting... I've never heard of Tradewind Chillers, but then again, I haven't been in the market for a chiller for a while.

Is it a coincidence that you're both from OKC, or is this manufacturer of chillers based in that area?
Oh, and another question... ScubaSteve, is there a particular reason why you wouldn't use JBJ on the larger tank (are there issues with the larger ones) or is it that you just like the Tradewind better?

Thanks again,

I run an Aqualogic Delta Star on my 125 w/ a total system volume of around 160 gallons. (1/4 hp) Have been very happy with it. It also is a/c tech serviceable.
I like Tradewind chillers. What I like about a Tradewind chiller is any Ac tech can fix any issues that could happen to one. No Tradewinds is out of California!!
Nothing wrong with Jbj. But only Jbj can fix any issues you have with the chiller. I just wouldn't us a Jbj on a big system.
Just know a few people that have tradewinds chillers on very large systems tbone is one of them! Tradwinds chillers run for years and have no problems. Really good product.
Anyone have 2 medium sized chillers for a tank instead of a large one just like with heaters instead of getting a single large one getting several smaller ones?
Anyone have 2 medium sized chillers for a tank instead of a large one just like with heaters instead of getting a single large one getting several smaller ones?

Now why would you do that??? You would pay for 2 chillers? For what you pay for 2 chiller and 2 pumps you could pay a 1 bad&$@ chiller and rock your system and never have to worry. Then you don't have 2 pumps, 2 chillers and lose 4 plugins. Not to mention your electric bill would increase more with all the extra stuff it take to run 2 chillers. This hobby is all ready expensive! Why add extra cost! Just doesn't make sense!
Now why would you do that??? You would pay for 2 chillers? For what you pay for 2 chiller and 2 pumps you could pay a 1 bad&$@ chiller and rock your system and never have to worry. Then you don't have 2 pumps, 2 chillers and lose 4 plugins. Not to mention your electric bill would increase more with all the extra stuff it take to run 2 chillers. This hobby is all ready expensive! Why add extra cost! Just doesn't make sense!

Sorry, it was just a question...

I have an almost new Teco chiller TR-15 1/5 HP rated from 60g to 200g on my home tank that I could get away without it and try using it on my new office tank.

The problem is that my office tank is a 240g cube with a 50g sump, I guess that the total water volume is around maybe 225g to 250g.

Now my almost new Teco chiller is rated up to 200g and I got around 250g of water volume. I know the best thing is to get a new chiller maybe a Teco TR-20 rated 130g to 500g but that would mean spending a lot more money...

Maybe will have to sell the Teco TR-15 chiller
Anyone have 2 medium sized chillers for a tank instead of a large one just like with heaters instead of getting a single large one getting several smaller ones?

Kmu, I see what your thinking(redundancy in case of failure). I wouldn't run 2 at the same time but possibly have a 2nd in storage in case 1st one died. That's probably overkill but I wouldn't be surprised if some people haven't done this.
I have never had to run a chiller on a tank and I live in the SE part of the US. With proper fans and large enough sump I do not think it is necessary. I am sure that I will get blasted for saying that but in my experience I have never had to run one.
Living in Ca it is all about saving energy cost on a big tank. I run a Deltec Eco-Cooler(large model) on my 375g and love it. Only uses a fraction of the energy of a standard chiller and does a better job. Only dowside to it is that it is expensive upfront, it needs to be mounted outside(humidity issues) and uses more top off water(for me about 5g a day in mid summer with 100+ degree days). Using maybe 1A compared to the 10A my 1/2hp chiller used, I'll stick with the eco-cooler.
Living in Ca it is all about saving energy cost on a big tank. I run a Deltec Eco-Cooler(large model) on my 375g and love it. Only uses a fraction of the energy of a standard chiller and does a better job. Only dowside to it is that it is expensive upfront, it needs to be mounted outside(humidity issues) and uses more top off water(for me about 5g a day in mid summer with 100+ degree days). Using maybe 1A compared to the 10A my 1/2hp chiller used, I'll stick with the eco-cooler.

Very interesting...

I live the in the Desert where summer temps are extremely hot and humid during july and august.

I want to keep my office tank temps at 82f during summer, my office has central AC so the room temp stays at 80f most of the day but at night it goes up to 90f and during the weekends with the AC off it might get up to 95f.

So I need a nice cooling unit for my 240g tank...

I'm in central ca, our summer days here get up above 100, but our humidity is fairly low maybe 20-30%. The eco-cooler is basically a swamp cooler working off of evaporative cooling. There is basically a spray bar that drips the water across a mesh media with 4 4inch fans blowing across it. The energy usage is low since you are only running the 4 fans and a small pump(I use a mag 9). I have a 375g tank with a total water volume of about 450g, my house temp is 85 when we are not home and about 80 when we are. The cooler comes on when the tank reaches 82 and it will drop it down to 78-79 with no problem.
Well... I took the plunge... I looked at all of the prices that chillers were going for and fell on a used JBJ 1HP for a rockin' deal (over 60% off of retail).

I did look into Tradewinds, but couldn't find any great deals out there for used ones (maybe because nobody wants to sell them, but rather keep them, or maybe because there are less on the market, who knows). Needless to say, I'm thinking that a 1HP JBJ should be a little overkill, but will at least allow me to expand the system if/when needed (i.e., larger frag tank and/or 2nd system).

The Eco Cooler is an interesting idea though... 5 gallons a day (35 gallons per week- that's almost a 10% water change in itself on your system!) is a lot of water that can add up, but these days (and where I'm located), electricity is a bit more expensive than water.