OK Guy, I'll keep you posted on how she's doing. But first let me give you an insight on my approach.
My goal for my fish is to provide a healthy happy environment through good nutrition and a comfortable environment. I've finally gotten my fish past the feeding habits of the LFS who normally feed the minimal amounts for cost reduction and to keep them from outgrowing the small tanks. At first, like any new fish, feeding time was a frenzy. Don't get me wrong, they still get excited over food but not near as ravenous.
I feed a variety of foods at each feeding. First I start with a pinch of Formula One flake moistened with a few drops of garlic and Zoe. I feed this for about 2 min. Next comes meat. I take 3 cubes (1 Formula One, 1 Brine w/Omega 3, and 1 Brine/Mysis w/spirulina) all soaked in garlic and Zoe. These 3 cubes last about 2 days. I also feed the meat for about 2 min. I buy Nori sheets at the Whole Foods store to be sure there are no preservatives and I soak that in garlic and Zoe as well. The veggie clip takes about 3 hours to be consumed by lazy swim-by nibbles.
All of the fish seem to have their preferences. The tangs really enjoy the flake and the veggie but only nibble a little on the meat. The cleaner wrasses won't touch the flake but like the meat and veggie clip. The clowns have mood swings; sometimes they prefer meat over flake, sometimes vice versa. The Chromis' will eat both flake and meat although they seem to enjoy the meat more.
I started feeding twice a day when the ich was first noticed. Since the new feeding regimen has been working so well I will probably always feed a morning and evening meal.
I also believe aquascaping is also very important for a fish's happiness (stress level.) My tank is set up with the minimal amount of live rock placed in a way that every rock creates a cave or cavern of some sort. I am adding corals but I will not overload the tank with them. My main priority for the tank is fish. The corals just make it look nicer.
I know I'm not an expert at this but I've done lots and lots of research to get to this point. The way I see it, because all of the "proven" methods for curing ich is potentially deadly to the fish, there is no definite treatment or cure. I'm not saying anyone should take my approach as gospel I'm just sharing what I believe is the best for my fish.
A picture is worth a thousand words, here's a few thousand....
Here are some pictures of my aquascaping. My tangs especially love the caves and caverns to swim through and around...
Who are you calling FAT!?!
When a large piece of the veggie is pulled off, all the tangs get in on disposing of it properly... :lol: