What do you use to track your tank?

So any pros/cons for aquarimate vs aquaplanner pro? Is aquarimate worth the extra $7?
IMO, Aquarimate is designed very well and is much more user friendly. It has "Expense" tracker, photo gallery, timelines, Full database of Saltwater fish,corals, etc. and it has a todo list type tasks which integrates with iCloud calendar and reminders on your phone.. you can backup your data on their own cloud so you won't lose your stuff (I lost my test data a few times with aquaplanner) Much nicer graphs and analysis.. I think the timeline feature is very smart and interesting feature of the app.

The cons, though, they do not have an iPad optimized app, but their support told me they are working on it but there is no ETA yet..
Neptune Apex lite for pH, Temp, and power usage.

Microsoft Excel for water changes and Chemistry test results (Ca, Mg, DKH, PhO4)
Just looked at the site and this is what I found.

It is that time of the year...

I have to report that there are only donations to continue MyReefStats until July August 2013 so after that date if no more donations are received I will have to close the site.

As always, running this site (basically paying for hosting) costs around 10$ per month and it will be open as long as users want to (and contribute to pay the hosting).

June 02, 2013 21:07