10 & Over Club
I recently trimmed a large soft coral (well, to be honest, I cut the damn thing in half with a razor blade) that was shading what I think is a crocea clam I have and I moved it a bit since I think it's growing a bit lopsided due to where I have it placed. Anyway, since I've repositioned it, I've noticed that the outcurrent siphon appears to be misshapen a bit. I can't get a clear shot, but I can get an angled shot. I am wondering if this is due to the lopsided growth, or if there's something bothering my clam. It's mantle is looking great, and it puts on new shell (more on the end of the outcurrent than the incurrent siphon) at a steady pace. Basically, is this clam gaping or is it okay? The other clam that I have left has no signs at all of the gaping and is in excellent condition (probably because it's the only one that has never had to deal with soft corals encroaching on its territory - lost a bunch of croceas to xenia burying them).