What is considered a shallow reef?

Scuba Steve

New member
What is considered a shallow reef??

I'm wanting a 72"x36"x20" tall tank. Is this considered a shallow reef??
I'm setting up two Rubbermaid 150's and a 48"x36"x8" tall Frag tank! Any thought or ideas would be great. Need sum help!
It varies as what people think is shallow. I consider anything under 20" as shallow.By the way, I like your dimensions. I have two tanks that are 43"x26"x13" and 48"x36"x17" since I love the shallow reef look.

My next one should be similar to yours in dimension. Once you go 36" wide in dimension, there is no going back. Hope to see your build soon!
I think shallow is relative to the overall dimensions. 20" is tall when considering a small tank. However, considering the dimensions you are working with, the effect would be pretty cool and appear "shallow".
i think shallow is relative to the overall dimensions. 20" is tall when considering a small tank. However, considering the dimensions you are working with, the effect would be pretty cool and appear "shallow".

something where you don't need a scuba mask to get something off the sand bed
Thanks to all knowledge and sharing info. Everybody.
My buddy has to get a step ladder out to get stuff off his sand bed. But also he made his stand to tall. Them a canopy with a havy lid. Not me when I set my big system up.