What is everyone dosing in their reef?


New member
Just wondering what everyone is dosing in their aquariums. After talking with Julian Sprung he recommends adding iron for good coral growth and colors. I also noticed alot of the coral farmers using combisan and strontium. It would be interesting to see what everyone thinks of these and other chemicals like amino acids, vodka, phytoplankton... etc

I dose;

B-ionic 2 part everyday (soon to be calcium reactor)
kent iodine every few weeks
home made magnesium every week


I still dose a tiny bit of vodka daily to keep nitrates down. Twice a week I dose the Kent stuff including iron, and Lugol's for iodine. I've had to trim back the mangroves in my fuge and my coral colors are bright and decent growth for T5s.
reactor/mag/iodine/ have used amino in the past but now keeping it simple.
Strontium when i recall.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11853314#post11853314 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
I still dose a tiny bit of vodka daily to keep nitrates down.

I do it twice daily but not in my tank.

A seem to buffer alk almost daily now.
I dose amino acids irregularly, but, have seen some nice results and I plan to use it with a doser that can do like a couple of drops a day
Oh, and I don't dose anything but food and water. I used a whole bottle of Salifert AA, and it didn't really do much, but that was also when I had RedBugs so everything lost a bit of color from that, and I also dosed it inconsistently as well, so I can't speak about it.
I dose 90ml of bionic 2 part everyday and my calcium and Alk are on the low side.

I have a 75g sps dominated reef with 2x30g frag tanks with one filled completely with sps.

Oh, and I run Kalkwasser in my topoff water. Once in a while I throw in some PurpleUp. That seems to help because it blankets everything with iodine and promotes coralline growth. Despite the fact that my fuge is lousy with pods and mysids, I supplement occasionally with live Tigger Pods.

Oh and I dose daily with single malt. Here's to ya, gasman. :D
All top off,replaced with limewater.The rest I leave to water changes.I'm in the "if you can't reliably test it,then don't add it group".
i was using bionic a + b but was going through it very quickly.

i heard of someone trying this with good results and figured id give it a try.

r/o water : kalkwasser : kent supper buffer, mag c : iodine

all mixed together. yeah i know i thought it would go nuts when i put the kalk and alk together...... but for some reason it doesnt, water clouds slightly for about 15-30 min, but is super super clear afterwards. ive been using it for a month with great results.

seems to keep all my levels in check and i dose daily.
u know what i do...but i'll write it for others...

all topoff is kalkwasser. and then water changes every once in a while! ;)

you've seen my tank so you know what it looks like! very little work!
where can i find kalkwasser can i get that at any fish store.. does anyone know if exotic aquariums carries it. thats the neariest to my house
You can get it at a fish store,but you'll pay more for it.I order from mrs wages.com,it is food grade pickling lime.HTH
the publix by my house carries mrs. wages pickling lime...but i thikn rogger said he asked them to carry it. I just used up my first jar...took about 1 year and i evap about 2 gallons of water per day. so that should be a lot of lime...but hey! i think the jars were like 3 or 4 dollars each. versus fishstore kalkwasser which is like 15-20 bucks per jar...