What is Happening to my Fish?


New member
My 5+ year old Purple Tang recently became sick with Ich. It was, and I am hyopthising, that it was due to me recently moving my residence. I purchased a couple of Cleaner Shrimp to fix the problem, which it did. However, now when I try and add additonal Fish, any Fish, they disapper within hours. Never to be seen again. All of my other existing fish remain healthy so I cannot say that moving was the cause. But, and I am just guessing, that the two cleaner shrimp are having expensive meals. Any similar experiences?
Never heard of a cleaner shrimp taking a healthy fish. Did you add any new rock? May have a hitchhiker. Also your fish may have become more territorial since the move and the stress of re-arranging his home.
I have had similar problems adding fish in the past to an existing group. they have to refigure the pecking order and teritory in the tank . or the dominant fish just harrasses the new fish, stressing or injuring it to a point of not coming out of hiding or eating. and it soon gets sick and dies. usually behind the rock where the crabs and shrimp will pick it clean by morning. never to be seen.

one more possibility. Have you checked your over flow box if you have one? every now and then some of my old fish, or the occasional new fish get chased by a yellow tang, and they had slipped through the syphon over flow box slots or jumped into the box. even gone through the U tube where i had 3 fish living for a couple weeks in the outer box. until i found them.
Ya its definently not your cleaner shrimp doing the killing... I would guess kaptken's suggestion of that being harassed to death.