What is the acceptable level of Phosphate in an SPS tank?


New member
Hi Everyone,
I talked to my LFS lately about phosphate control in my tank. I want to get into SPS more. He said that phosphate is good for building corals skeletons and he doesn't use a phosphate remover, until he sees hair algae or some type of algae. I tested my phosphate levels and they are not detectable. I don't know if I trust my tests though because I have to swipe my glass clean every 2 days. I used a Sechem and Regeant Phosphate test kit. Both came out with the same results. I was going to purchase a Salifert test kit, but I read on here that they are not very accurate. Please let me know. Thank you all so much.
Re: What is the acceptable level of Phosphate in an SPS tank?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10048423#post10048423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineGirl411
I tested my phosphate levels and they are not detectable. I don't know if I trust my tests though

I wouldn't trust the test result either. We recently had a water testing session at my local club meeting, and the vast majority of tanks returned "0" using salifert's PO4 kit, including mine. One member brought an Elos kit that measured .07 on my water. Still not sure if that's 100% accurate, as I have good coloration and no hair algae problems. I'm debating picking up a Merck kit sometime down the line or a colorimeter.

While 0 is an admirable goal, commonly accepted practice is that .03 is a good target, as nsw tends to be .03 or lower.
with my Hanna Colorimeter i run 0.03-0.00
Any Test PO4 test kit most likely wil read 0 when you are below .1 so 0 is not acually zero the best way to test is w/ Colorimeter
Re: What is the acceptable level of Phosphate in an SPS tank?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10048423#post10048423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarineGirl411
He said that phosphate is good for building corals skeletons

Thats the funniest thing I have read in awhile.
Re: Re: What is the acceptable level of Phosphate in an SPS tank?

Re: Re: What is the acceptable level of Phosphate in an SPS tank?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10048796#post10048796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig

While 0 is an admirable goal, commonly accepted practice is that .03 is a good target,

Really? He's a very good and well respected reef keeper here. He said you do need some phosphates because it helps build their skeletons along with calcium and mag. That doesn't sound right huh? Where can I pick up one of those test kits you are talking about? I've never heard of them. I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
Without any phosphates, corals would not live but you don't want too much. I swipe my glass every 2 to 3 days and have no color issues. I think it depends on many things.
That is what he told me along with the other. I get some green algae down where my glass meets the sand. I can't really scrub down there with my mag float. I also swipe my tank about every other day or every 2 days. Should I invest in a certain phosphate test kit? I have Regeant and Sechem. Another fish guy that sold me my skimmer said the regeant was junk and he'd send me the sechem free if I just paid for shipping. So I did. Is the Sechem not accurate either? My sump/refugium has algae, I even have a little on my skimmer. Light does get on my skimmer though from my Refugium. What specific types of Algae reduce phosphates? I have Chaeto and some Caluerpa I believe. Please let me know. Thank you.
phosphate test kits are worthless. You need the colorimeter mentioned earlier or one of the more expensive ones. I've never tested for it as long as I don't see any issues.
Salifert's kit and most other kits only measure inorganic phosphate. The Merck/Deltec kit and colorimeters measure orthophosphate which is what gets metabolized.

By the time you see HA growing it's way too high. I judge by how long it takes for a diatom film to grow. Any less than 4 days and nutrients have built up. On the Merck kit I get .008. That is plenty for the corals to grow. Anything over .02 on that kit and I'm just feeding algae. Again that is orthophoshate levels not inorganic levels.
Orthophosphate is inorganic...it's a very stable version...organic phosphate is often reduced to the ortho to measure it. The Hanna (nor any hobbyist) test kit do not reduce organic phosphates to ortho or "free version" to measure it. Either way, you're missing out all organic phosphate that's may be available to life (or algae/corals) but not the test kit.

I would toss the tests and check algae on the glass.

Milwaukee Phosphate meter

Milwaukee Phosphate meter

I have a Milwaukee meter...
Phosphate showing .12.... am I in trouble??????

I have hair algae a bit only in refugium only.

Comments/opinions welcome . thanks.
