Before GFO and low level Hannah test kits, there was good husbandry like water changes, growing chaeto (growing it well), growing and exporting coral, feeding responsibly with a responsible fish load. Back then, people also had larger tanks and fewer bio-cubes and nanos which is a bit easier to keep P under check with larger sumps and water volume and stuff.
There was no ULR Hannah test kit, but you did have phosphate test kits that would change color and you always wanted to be "clear." In today's terms, "clear" on Salifert is about 3-4 on a Hannah ULR checker... which is .009 or .01 PPM. There have been tools to do this since I got into this in 1992 - it isn't like folks were still making wheels with chisels back then.
IMO, most folks are going to get farther with this by betting on the rule rather than the exception. There are exceptions to everything which are interesting and worth noting. There are are studies that can show anything - I once had a professor in college tell us that he could commission a study to show beyond a doubt that our fathers were really our mothers and vice versa. In the end, most of the best or the best go with the rule, IME.