What is this?

It looks like its spongy but it is hard to the touch! No polyps that I can see but it does look like its something living and not just like an old coral skeleton. It was on the under side of one of the lower rocks but was not this noticeable when I got it from the lfs two months ago! The shrimp that is on it is an adult pep that is like 2.5" long. I have since put this rock on top facing up at the light but I guess if its an sps my 12g nc. stock lighting wont be enough.

Is there any chance it could be a sponge? But would it be hard if it was?
Looks alot like christmas tree rock if it does not have PE...Have you seen any cool worms come out of it?
No but I looked at again and it seems to have a mouth like thing in the middle of it! Also it is like the size of my hand and encrusted on the surface of the rock! What is a christmas tree rock and is it good or bad?
If there is mouth no idea...Christmas tree rock
I dont know if its a mouth but it is in the center and I have never seen anything come out or in of the hole!