what is this


New member
i have been away with the military for 7 months and my family has been taking care of my tank. i noticed these guys in the tank and have no idea what they are.

who knows?

But they look kinda cool! maybe a ricordia or some kind of frilly mushroom? or anemone? time will tell as they grow. I don't think they look like anything bad that i know of. Misc. life forms are great. see what happens. often , STUFF just comes out of rock when conditions are right for them.

I'd agree with Ken looks more like something good then something bad, but might be a good idea to find out. You could try posting in Marine Depots forum to see if Ron Shimek can ID it.(that is see if he can ID easily with the photo) Could have been that a mushroom or something got sucked up in a power head and chopped into 100 pieces. Sometimes corals can be a little tricky to propagate, other times you just get lucky. :-) Let us know what you find out.
I know I've heard of these guys before now, but don't think I ever saw pictures. Always learning something new with this hobby.
Yuuup majanos, I know Newark Tropicals had a bunch of them in their display tank if that rings a bell for anyone.

They have some at the fish bowl with a perc clown in the tank. I think they want them to host the clown. hehe Dumb.
Oh Oh! I stand corrected. I Never heard of manjano , myself. I'd go with the gang concensus on this one. I suppose you could rub them out just like aptasia, with a thick mix of kalc squirted into the mouth. too bad, i think they look cool. just like that caulerpa verticillata i let grow in one tank. bad move. an invassive species of macro algea that took over the tank.
I don't think they spread nearly as fast as everyone thinks. I had one about a year ago pop up. I now have maybe 4, none bigger then a nickle, and they do add a spot of color to the rocks.

I agree it looks like a mojano, but it looks bleached - mojano have bright green bulbs on the end of the brown tenticles, the pics above all look white or clear.
cdangel0 I have heard the same thing about them being slow spreaders, I have never personally owned one, but I think they are stunning creatures, it would definately be a welcomed "pest" in my book, especially if the statements about being slow to reproduce held true.