What is wrong with my clownfish?


New member
Hi everyone,
The other day my clownfish started acting weird. She is just swimming vertically near the edge of the tank. The only other fish in the tank are another clownfish, which has been with it since they were put in and is smaller, a cleaner shrimp, and a few hermit crabs. The thank is 37 gallons and the water is right. I have done a water change since.

Thank you,
Nemosluckyfin :fish1:


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Is the clownfish there all day and night?? Mine will swim vertically at night when there chilling throughout the night... but they will rotate throughout the day to go swim vertically in the spot they call there home

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Not unusual at all provided there are no other physio or behavior changes.
If there is no host, sometimes a corner works just fine.
The clownfish stays there all day and night, and does not come up to eat anymore. There is only 1 other clownfish in there which has been with it from the start and is smaller. The other 1 still swims around.
The powerhead is above him. Today she was on the other side of the tank, but looking strait up still. Now they are behind the rocks, and she is sitting on the ground.