What is your stock list in your large Reef Tank?

**updated fish list**

**updated fish list**

12/5/12 fish list

1-yellow belly blue
White tail
Hybrid mimic
Bluespine unicorn
Total 14

Yellow fin fairy
Mystery wrasse
Cleaner wrasse
Whip Fin Fairy wrasse
Sixline wrasse
8- Coris wrasse
Total 17

Lawnmower blenny
2-blue damsels
2-black & white damsels
Fiji damsel
Stigmata blenny
Midas blenny
Tribal blenny
Humu trigger
Majestic foxface
Red hawkfish
Purple tilefish
15- Bartletts Anthias
5- black percs
1- orange perc
Copperband butterfly
11- Chromis
2- Rainford gobys
Twin spot hogfish
Total 49

System total 80 fish
344 DT with 125 gallon sump/fuge. The inches are not the size of the fish but max size for my reference.

3 Fancy Occeleris Clownfish (3.5")
Black Occelaris Clownfish
Black Bar Occelaris
2 Six line Wrasse (3")
Royal Gramma(3")
2 BG Chromis(3")
Lawnmower Blenny(5")
Diamond Goby(6")
Yellow Watchman Goby(5.5")
Flame Hawkfish(4")
3 Yellow Tangs (8")
Powder Blue Tang(9")
Hippo Tang(12")
9 Barletts Anthias(3.5")
2 Blue Throat Triggerfish(9")
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini (Zebrasoma desjardini) (16")
2 Pajama Cardinalfish
Bicolor Blenny

34 Total
344 DT with 125 gallon sump/fuge. The inches are not the size of the fish but max size for my reference.

3 Fancy Occeleris Clownfish (3.5")
Black Occelaris Clownfish
Black Bar Occelaris
2 Six line Wrasse (3")
Royal Gramma(3")
2 BG Chromis(3")
Lawnmower Blenny(5")
Diamond Goby(6")
Yellow Watchman Goby(5.5")
Flame Hawkfish(4")
3 Yellow Tangs (8")
Powder Blue Tang(9")
Hippo Tang(12")
9 Barletts Anthias(3.5")
2 Blue Throat Triggerfish(9")
Sailfin Tang, Desjardini (Zebrasoma desjardini) (16")
2 Pajama Cardinalfish
Bicolor Blenny

34 Total
Please post pic of sailfin!
Here is my modest stocking list.

Female False Personifer Angel, 4"
Goldflake Angel, 3.5"
2 Blueline Angels, 2" ea
Chrysurus Angel, 4"
Lemonpeel Dwarf Angel, 3"
Multicolor Dwarf Angel, 3"
Male Blonde Naso Tang, 5" w/1" streamers
2 Blue-eyed Threadfin Cardinals, 1.5" ea
2 Purple Firefish, 2" ea
mine will be at start
Nahacky's wrasse pair
trio of flame wrasse
trio of pink margin wrasse
male labouti wrasse
male lineatous wrasse
female pylei wrasse
powder blue tang
4 randalls anthias
3 resplendent anthias
3 dispar anthias.

But future plans will be some more wrasses (pref. rosefascia, exquisites, female lineatous, some flashers), maybe a black tang, some blennies and smaller fish, and lots more anthias.