What, no Eclipse thread??


Active member
Well, we'll have to change that I supposse. I imagine we all got the same thing, but what the heck.

Waiting for the shadow to arrive...



near full

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Nicely done Louis.

We had pretty solid cloud cover here so I didn't even see it, let alone shoot it.
Looks good man. What's that red rectangle in the last picture?

My brother borrowed my 100-400 because he wanted to take pictures of the eclipse, so I just watched it and let him do the photography, no pictures of it from me this time.
Looks good man. What's that red rectangle in the last picture?

My brother borrowed my 100-400 because he wanted to take pictures of the eclipse, so I just watched it and let him do the photography, no pictures of it from me this time.

I thought for sure you'd have some images to post. Well, hopefully your bro got some good images. Though with the limtations of that lens (lol) .....

Red rectangle?
Beautiful shots Louis!! It undoubtedly happens that when I bring my camera back with me at college, there is usually nothing of interest to shoot, but whenever I leave it at home, something awesome always happens and I miss it...
I thought for sure you'd have some images to post. Well, hopefully your bro got some good images. Though with the limtations of that lens (lol) .....

Red rectangle?

Yeah, I would liked to have but he wanted to and this way I didnt have to go out in the cold.

Your last image has a big red rectangle through it, on my screen at least. It's see through, but clearly visible. Looks very weird.

I'm at work and in a remote location so I cant verify it's there on multiple monitors but I would bet it is.
We lost the eclipse at tonality around here due to cloud cover. But BEFOREHAND, we got a nice corona that lasted an hour or more. It stole the show for me.

Man, usually I am clouded in while everyone else gets to see amazing things. How lucky for me this time! Not only was it clear, the moon rose pretty much right across the street and tracked over my front yard for about the entire show. Guess that was retro-pay for all the other cools things the clouds hid from me in the past.

As for the settings. Pretty straight forward, I used a 300 F2.8 lens on a crop factor body (so 480mm). The images are cropped probably about 40% of the original frame size. I was going to use the tele converter but figured I was never gonna blow these up huge so why lose the light. ISO was mostly 800. I bumped up to ISO 1600 a few times just for insurance purposes but didn't need them. Exposures varied from 1/125 down to a low of about 1/3 of a second. I was shooting pretty much wide open. The eclipsed moon was relatively dark (makes sense, since it was in the Earth's shadow :)). Of course tripod mounted and using a cable release.

IVY - nice corona

Thanks to everyone else for the comments and posts.

Anyone else seeing what Recty is talking about? I don't have it here at home or at work.
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Anyone else seeing what Recty is talking about? I don't have it here at home or at work.

I see it if I look at my monitor from an angle. If you increase the contrast of your monitor, it may show a bit better.
I see it from three different PCs at work, at home and on my iPhone.

I'm not sure what it is, it looked like your sensor was glitching or something, that area looks very noisy.

It just occurred to me though that it's probably a layer mask. It's very hard to see over the black and the way your monitor is calibrated it probably doesnt even show up over the black.

BTW, I really like the shot you took from your deck, that's great. What lens was that taken with? And how do you get the starburst look on all your lights? Is that just from a long exposure? I've never gotten that (never tried) in any of my pictures but I think it could be a cool effect.
Huh, strange I don't see it. Layer mask? Yeah, that might be it. I was lazy so I kept using the same background (black sky, signature, and frame). I just imported the new image, cropped it and dropped it in. If I cropped it differently or the postion of the moon was different, I'd have to move it aroubd. Sometimes the dark sky in the new image overlapped the original frame background. I'd just do a quick mask and cut thru it.

The star bursts are just a result of stopping down. I think they were at F16. I can't remember if it is a 10mm or 14mm Fisheye. Pretty sure it's a Sigma though.
Cool, I'll have to try that with stopping down. That makes sense, I guess I do most of my photography at night at wide open apertures, I'll goof around with that sometime.

I hope you dont mind, I brightened up your photo. Can you see that?

ah, yeah, that is the crop dropped into the other background. The exposure must be just a tad different. Funny, now that I see it if I go back and look at it I can just see it.

Are your montiors calibrated? My home montior is, and the brightness is dialed way down. It sure helps with printing, but the monitor image isn't as dynamic or vivid as it could be. I miss that sometimes, but when I print it makes it so much easier. Makes soft proffing more accurate. Not that I am any master at this at all, I just followed other peoples advice.
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