What return pump should I use? Reefflo Dart?


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I'm setting up a 300 gallon wide 96 24 30 wide. it will have a single overflow on one side and used as a room divider tank. The overflow can handle 3000 gpa. I was thinking a Reeflow dart because the pump will have about 5 feet head. Anyone running one of these? how quiet is it this will be next to the bed i sleep in. Any other suggestions. The return will be plumbed back from the overflow via 2 outlets. The tank will also have a tunze 6080 and a 6100 for flow. So I'm looking at around 8000 gpa. Any advise would be appreciated.
The reeflo darts are virtually silent. But the amount of water flowing over the edge of the overflow will not be. Also all that water splashing in your sump will drive you crazy. I would use the dart on an www.oceansmotions.com 4-way closed loop system. The posiden series of pumps are also very quiet, & would be a good choice for a fuge/sump return pump.You could always try it the way you suggested. Noise is a suggestive thing, but you are going to be sleeping there..
Use a Posiden pump. The noise will happen if you have to much flow over the overflow. You could try putting a cover over the overflow, to keep the noise down.
I got this idea off of somebody else to quite things down in the overflow. What you do is have two holes, one hole will just be open at the bottom but have a valve on the line to throttle things down. The second hole will have a stand pipe were the top is at the top of the overflow. You trottle the first hole down so the water backs up into the overflow causing it to remain full and no splashing. The second hole with the standpipe is for backup if the first gets clogged or slows down it will just flow into the second hole.

Did that make sense?
I just purchased the dart pump and plan to use it as my return. The overflow is rated for 3000 gpa but with headloss from the pump I figure I'll probably be running around 2400 gpa. I'm going to try and set this up as quiet as possible, we'll see how it goes I guess. I know its best to have your skimmer running 24/7 but if it ends up being too loud I might have to put the return pump on a timer that would allow me time to fall asleep and then kick back on like an hour later
Castor- I'll consider that Idea if its too loud, seems like a good idea thou. Thanks for the advise.

Prugs- I'll have to look into the timers.
FYI, I tried to use the dart as a return but had no pressure. it was a great pump and quiet but its a flow pump so if you needing pressure from ur outlets, the dart will not work.
I now use the gen x 55...works great but not as quiet.
it will only have 2 outlets, I'm not sure what you mean by pressure, but i just want a lot of flow in the tank and need something for a return. I sure hope it works, its mine now :) I will have powerheads to add even more flow to the tank, my biggest concern was noise and amount of flow for the $$.
then you should be fine. I wanted "pressure" coming out of my return nozzles and with all my elbows, i lost alot of it, therefore there was not alot of force coming out of the return nozzles.
I run the dolphin amp master 4700 as a return on my 300. I have two overflows and they are covered It runs alot quietier.The dolphin is a pressure rated pump and can be throttled back. As far as the skimmer the euro-reefs are silent as well as deltec.I have not owned every skimmer out there so there maybe others that are just as quiet
The skimmer will be an ASM-G4 already have one ready to go.

hipertec- I always see pressure and flow as the same thing. Did it feel like the pump wasn't pushing any water? that sounds wierd to me.... I hope I don't run into that kind of problem. From everything I read I hear its better to have a more dispersed flow then a single pressure point hammering on everything, thats why the tunze streams are so popular, large flow over a spread out range.
another quick question... Can i plumb my 18 watt coralife UV sterilizer into one of the two lines or will the flow be to great for the sterilizer to function properly?
Funny how I ask this question then the tank of the month comes out and what do you know reefflow dart for a return and one tunze and he's got an sps dominated tank. I guess he who asks shall recieve :smokin: