I have mantis shrimp that came in on Fiji Liverock about 2 years ago. I never knew he was in my tank until I introduced a tiger pistol shrimp pair about 6 months ago. I think the tiger pistol evicted the mantis who ended up in my overflow and has been there ever since. I have a bunch of holed sponges in the overflow that he is living in. He is green with maroon stripes and very small - maybe 2 inches at most. If you look at him head on it appears he has 2 sets of eyes - one set being menacing white ones painted on little appendages on the front of his body that stand out in the dark. He seems fine as is since it is a big overflow but he will not eat anything I offer. He has eaten all the microfauna in the overflow - which included lots of pods and oddly enough he seems to have eaten all sea squirts as well.
Should I keep him in the overflow? I do not mind putting him back in the tank since he seems to do little damage to the fauna from what I have seen over the years. I am afraid that if I put him back in the tank the tiger pistol shrimp will go after him again. Can they co-exist in a 200 gallon tank? I cannot devote a second tank to him. Could I put him in my refugium that has sea horses? Thanks for any info.
I have mantis shrimp that came in on Fiji Liverock about 2 years ago. I never knew he was in my tank until I introduced a tiger pistol shrimp pair about 6 months ago. I think the tiger pistol evicted the mantis who ended up in my overflow and has been there ever since. I have a bunch of holed sponges in the overflow that he is living in. He is green with maroon stripes and very small - maybe 2 inches at most. If you look at him head on it appears he has 2 sets of eyes - one set being menacing white ones painted on little appendages on the front of his body that stand out in the dark. He seems fine as is since it is a big overflow but he will not eat anything I offer. He has eaten all the microfauna in the overflow - which included lots of pods and oddly enough he seems to have eaten all sea squirts as well.
Should I keep him in the overflow? I do not mind putting him back in the tank since he seems to do little damage to the fauna from what I have seen over the years. I am afraid that if I put him back in the tank the tiger pistol shrimp will go after him again. Can they co-exist in a 200 gallon tank? I cannot devote a second tank to him. Could I put him in my refugium that has sea horses? Thanks for any info.