What should I do with this?


New member
I know that it says 180 plus but I can't find anywhere else to get good info on larger tanks. I recently recieved a 125 gallon tank in trade for a case of beer. It is 18 x 20 x 72. I plan on DIYing mh's for the light system and I have 2 thirty gallon tanks that I can build into sumps/refugiums. My dilema is that I want to do this without drilling this tank. Is it possible or should I just go for it and drill it? Then where and how should I drill it? I am trying to do this and spend as little as possible. But don't we all? Any suggestions for system setup will be appreciated here.
There are ways to get a overflow with out drilling. but if you ask me they are iffy at best.
I would say just go for it and drill it. It is such a at the beggining thing that if you start the tank up it is a lot more work to add holes afterwards.
I have had sphion boxes and always conidered them to be the week link of the system.
drill it! you will be glad you did later (as long as it isnt tempered)

BTW, the tank is probably the cheapest thing in the journey you are about to take ;)
Yeah I have been playing around for the last few years with Nano's up to 55 gallons and have just grown tired of not having the space. The 125 came up and I couldn't pass it up. I guess that I can start drilling and plumbing it and just take my time.
Yes I said case of beer! I am Millitary and deal with other GI's on a daily basis. This particular couple had two giant snakes and kept them in this tank. The trade was proposed as a joke but the tanks (yes I said tanks) were in his garage wasting away and taking up space that he needed. So he took the joke as serious. We are in Germany so I gave him a rack of German beer for each tank that I got. Yes that was plural. What light do u guys suggest? 10k 14k or 20k?