What should I replace TrueLumen Pro strips with?


New member
I have a 110G x-hi tank (48x18x30) that I currently have 3 TrueLumen Pro striplights (48") mounted on. They are probably pushing 5+ years now and the LED's are starting to fail/burn out in areas. I have been happy with these lights....but a lot can change in a few years...so is there something better that is recommended?

Ideally I like the tank mounted lights but would be open to a hanging fixture as well.

I did an online chat with MD the other day and they recommended going with the new AquaMaxx Prism LED fixture. They said a few of their reps are running it with great results so far, but there are minimal review on-line about it.

I would like to stay $300 or under, maybe $350 if I had to.

As for corals, the tank is simple, Mushrooms, Zoa's, a couple leathers, and a few anemones. NO sps.

Any ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated.

That is a really tall aquarium, and I am personally not a big fan of the AquaMaxx Prism fixtures - not great color rendition nor penetration (I have tried one and returned it), but will work well enough for shallower aquariums. Current Marine Orbit (first gen, basic model) would be similar, although I use one of them (on a small shallow aquarium) and it is also OK.

For your budget and layout preferences, other than a couple of the basic Chinese black box fixtures (again, not a fan, but they will work), you could consider a pair of the Current Marine Orbit IC Loop Pros (48" size)


Easy to use, with remote and display, fits your budget ($351 shipped for the pair with controller and accessory pump), and while not the greatest color rendition, they can be tweaked a bit better due to the RGB diodes (I would pump up the red and blue), really lacking only violet. They will also "push" a bit deeper than the earlier examples (due to secondary optics) - probably a bit more than the setup you currently employ and like. You can also mount them directly or use the mounting arms available, and they even come with a controllable free pump... :)

You could also keep an eye on the classifieds for a used fixture or two...
I'm really torn now. I do like the Orbit IC Pro set up - very nice! Given the set up location of my tank I probably would want the optional mounting brackets - which they 'require' 3 of them to hold the light - so that adds another $100 to the set up - $450 total.

I am considering replacing my current lights with the same now. I can get those for $75/each - $225 total.

The question is what is the consensus on the TrueLumen Pro Strips? Is it worth investing in them again or would I be better off putting that money towards the newer Orbit?

1) I would think that 2 of the mounts would be sufficient, not sure 3 is necessary - just place them 16" from the ends to evenly distribute the weight, which isn't much with those.

2) TrueLumens are dimmable, but with no included programming option and no color adjustment - the Orbit IC's are just a much better LED strip option. The IC's also have secondary optics, which means they will penetrate water depth much better than the TrueLumens. That and the color adjustment are worth it IMO...
I replaced mine with reef breeders fixtures. They were great and I used them for a couple of years. Then I got a really good deal on two used gen 1 radions that I upgraded to gen 3. I recently added two T5 retro fixtures to supplement the radions. I've had much better growth and color since I did this. End the end I should have saved some money up anf gotten the radions to start with. So figure out what you want to do with your tank in the future and buy the lights that will provide the light that you need for your tank.