What the...


New member
What in the name of....is this creature?! I was glaring at my tank when i turned off the lights and I saw this worm thing, anyone know if its good/bad?


It's a bloddy snake.... Got any closer pics?

Kinda looks like a squid tentacle... but I know you don't have squid. Did it move fast or slow?
Could be a sea snake or ribbon worm. But since it is rare that you would find a sea snake in your tank, I would guess ribbon worm. But if it is a sea snake, that would be kind of freaky.

Anyways...but to give you a better guess of what it is, I would say Lineus longissimus aka Bootlace ribbon worm or Giant Ribbon worm. It has the same pattern on the head and body as one I've seen.

Edit: Found a link for ya http://shop.uwphoto.no/detail.asp?product_id=nau001dvd039
Yea its pretty cool, its VERY long, so I agree with steve's comment on the bootlace ribbon worm. But yea I didnt flush it :D

codybug - no :p
oh well if it does, less bioload and another excuse to get another fish :p as long as it keeps away from my acro garden :rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6833875#post6833875 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by supernareg
if it was a sea snake
that'd be tight, i'd devote the entire tank to it. i wouldnt flush it

For being an EMT, you're not very bright. Sea snakes are damn deadly(very venomous). Good luck devoting a tank for one.
Wow, that thing looks like a tiny cobra. What I've read about Ribbon and Bootlace worms is they are carnivorous eating waste products and smaller worms. Unless you have things starting to disapear or have bites taken out of them I'd leave it in.
exactly, its not dangerous if you take the right precautions ;) Also the least venomous sea snake is far more poisonous than the black mamba (supposedly the most venomous land snake). And anyway I hope i see it again tonight it was neat :D
Yes, please do. Ribbon worms are neat looking. I have seen some with fantastic colorings such as neon blue on black, grid pattern, and green on orange stripes.