what to dip?

I have a frag with some brownish algae on stalk some of polops are mad and stay closed. I have tried coral rx and they are in med. To high flow but still wont go away. Any suggestions. I had an algae problem a few Weeks ago but now under control.
peroxide dips... Some do 90-10 mix ( Saltwater - peroxide ) in a cup for a couple mins. research it in RC search.
I've had good luck with peroxide dipping for algea on frags. Mixed mine 1 part peroxide 3 parts saltwater for about 3 min's.
I would try 1 part peroxide for 3 parts of tank water for 3 min.
I still didn't have good results with anything more then 50-50%. The polyps suffer too much from the peroxide dips.
I don't recommend adding peroxide directly to the tank!

I have a frag with some brownish algae on stalk some of polops are mad and stay closed. I have tried coral rx and they are in med. To high flow but still wont go away. Any suggestions. I had an algae problem a few Weeks ago but now under control.

you may have to wipe the brown algae off with your fingers or a SOFT brush , dont push hard just enough to bruish away the algae, then do a h2o2 dip.....i use 3:1 ratio tank water to peroxide:)

coral rx will work but you need to get aggressive with the polyps so use a turkey baster or thrash them in a bucket for a while.

the peroxide should be no more than a couple minutes and the coral rx leave for 10mins.

dipping is only a temp solution though , youll have to get your algae in check or it could happen again.