What to get & where to place it?


New member
I've got a 112 that has a 3-5inch sand bottom and is 5ft long & 2ft high. I'm guessing I would need two or more streams? One for each side, does one place them to reflect off the glass or am I better off doing something else?

Next question is I was really interested in the simulated wave motion, but I'm a little confused about the controler? with the 7091 it will contol two pumps but they will both act the same? (i.e. both on or off at once?) But the other controler will allow me to set 2 different pumps independently?

Is there an advantage to having different units run at differnet times or will I be ok with the wave effect the 7091 can provide?
I would get 2 6000 and a 7095. Placement kind of depends on what works for you and likely you will want to run one very slowly while the other is pulsing between high and low speed or run one at a time and the single controller doesn't have these options.
Is there any need to think about a 3rd unit in the center? I was sort of thinking of maybe mounting one on each end of the glass pointing toward each other & then having on in middle of the tank pointing forward. From reading your other posts is sounds like the streams effective distance is 4ft which may not make my idea a good option?

How long should I expect to wait if I order what you suggested this week? I understand there is pretty much a constant backorder?