What treats what disease? The short course.

Would Seachem Metroplex be a good remedy for a pretty bad case of Ich for multiple fish? The liver damage scares me, but I am a bit unsure how to proceed. Will this harm soft corals? I have a Foxface, Scopas, and Sailfin all exibiting the disease and are in major distress. Scopas not eating. Chromas look good, Wrasse showed signs but has recovered, hawkfish looks good, 1 clown died and 3 fighting it off, lawnmower died, scooter died, cardinal died, Chevron died. Pretty big disaster. The vendor says this can be added directly to the tank. Additionally, I have a lot of zoas and other soft corals. This all started after returning from vacation and the caretaker overfeeding (Nitrates through the roof). Still working on getting them down below 20ppm. (They were 60+ and I never experienced anything over 5 before) No spikes in Nitrites or Ammonia. Corals healthy. 2 Rose Anemones hanging on, 2 Oysters alive, 1 clam alive. I have done a 10, 20, and 30 gallon change in the past 2 weeks.. Currently doing 3 gallon water changes every other day at 1.024, 77 degrees. Also adding garlic to food and tank (2 drops).

In any event, opinions and recommendations are very welcome. Thank you.
Would Seachem Metroplex be a good remedy for a pretty bad case of Ich for multiple fish? The liver damage scares me, but I am a bit unsure how to proceed. Will this harm soft corals? I have a Foxface, Scopas, and Sailfin all exibiting the disease and are in major distress. Scopas not eating. Chromas look good, Wrasse showed signs but has recovered, hawkfish looks good, 1 clown died and 3 fighting it off, lawnmower died, scooter died, cardinal died, Chevron died. Pretty big disaster. The vendor says this can be added directly to the tank. Additionally, I have a lot of zoas and other soft corals. This all started after returning from vacation and the caretaker overfeeding (Nitrates through the roof). Still working on getting them down below 20ppm. (They were 60+ and I never experienced anything over 5 before) No spikes in Nitrites or Ammonia. Corals healthy. 2 Rose Anemones hanging on, 2 Oysters alive, 1 clam alive. I have done a 10, 20, and 30 gallon change in the past 2 weeks.. Currently doing 3 gallon water changes every other day at 1.024, 77 degrees. Also adding garlic to food and tank (2 drops).

In any event, opinions and recommendations are very welcome. Thank you.

Metroplex is metronidazole, which is not an effective treatment for Cryptocaryon. Not sure why Seachem advertises it as such. Furthermore, I would not dose metro into the DT as it will destroy the biofilter.

Recommended treatments for Cryptocaryon are TTM, copper, chloroquine phosphate or hyposalinity. I would recommend reading the other stickies in this forum for additional details on treatment.
I am in the process of dealing with vibrio in one of my fish and just finished a round of kanamycin for 5 days. I took the fish to my LFS and they pulled off scales to confirm it wasn't a parasite. From all the research I've been doing, vibrio actually kills pretty fast. My fish though has been good for about two weeks until right now, when he is having trouble breathing and all of a sudden stopped eating. It ate this morning and was active. Now it's struggling. I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose this fish (green chromis). I have a couple questions about how to proceed. What process should I go through to sterilize this tank before adding anything else? The only other occupant is a red leg hermit crab who seems to be fine. The LFS said to do a major water change once done with the antibiotics, so that is already planned and will put charcoal back into the filter to neutrize any left over antibiotic. Fairly new to this hobby, but I have done quite a bit of research.
Tank stats: 20g, 1.026sg, no special lighting (no corals or macro), LFS tested chems and said they were in range, temp 79, Fluval U20 filter, live sand and crushed coral.
Just so I learn a lesson moving forward....I recently purchased 3 Pyramid Butterflies....the seller indicated they were eating mysis. When I got them home I drip acclimated them for over 3 hours before placing them in a 30 gal QT. They never ate for me. One developed pop eye immediately, (I think it was popeye), another developed what appeared to be white rice grains around the head and in one eye. The one with pop eye died within 2 days. The one with white spots died in about a week. The last one developed pop eye and remained alive for about 13 days before succumbing. The 2 with pop eye both were found with the infected eye missing. I have no crabs or snails in this QT tank and the fish was not left, without being checked on, for more than an a 7 hour period. I did try all different types of food from Sally's butterfly cubes to mysis, brine, bloodworms, fresh mussels and clams but nothing interested them. I also treated the QT with prazipro on day 7. The seller did have a 14 day guarantee but it was a painful experience. I am not sure if this was fluke disease or not. From posts I have read it appears that if you don't treat with prazipro within the 1st 4 days it is a lost cause. I am not sure why the eyes were missing....I am assuming that it was consumed by the infection/disease. I do have some rock in the QT tank and a bristetail file fish...which seems unaffected and is eating. Moving forward.....I treated this QT by doing a massive water change and then hitting it again with the prazipro. I am now running carbon. I have some live rock in this tank...are you saying that I would need to leave this tank fallow for 8 wks? Can fluke lay eggs in the rock or only in a host? Would the bristletail be a carrier? I read that butterflies are more apt to get fluke than other fish. I want to use this tank within the next few weeks for new fish QT but don't want to go through this again......I could start with all new water but then I would need to remove all the rock and possibly the bristetail......

Yikes- read the FAQ on missing eyes.
I know hypo salinity treats ich... Does it treat any other diseases?

Not effectively. Hyposalinity has no effect on marine velvet and possibly limited effect on Brooklynella. Best to follow recommended treatment protocols for those two diseases as they progress rapidly.
Please help me out! I purchased three achilles tangs had them all in QT for three weeks with no problems at all. They were all eating great so I moved them to my display after a few days I noticed one of them had a wound of some sort on the bridge of his face between eyes and mouth I assumed he scraped it on the live rock now I am not so sure I lost one I left for a couple days and had someone tend to them when I returned one achilles had died and the other had a scrape too the orginal ones wound looked worse too need not sure what it is or what to do I'm assuming it's a type of bacterial infection
Hi 220tang, it might be the hole in the head disease. Usually comes from lack of vitamins and algae in their food, and stress.
I'm having the same problem in my quarantine tank all my tangs have it, I've been feeding home made food with lots of algea, spirulina and vitamins but they don't seem to get better. Does anyone know what else to do to get rid of that?
I have a Coral beauty with cloudy eye or Popeye not �� percent but really think it's cloudy eye or basically a scratched eye that has become bacterially infected. Dipped for several hours in a separate tank holding two gallons of water with injectable cefazolin. Am planning to repeat the process for five days. My thinking is that my tank is unable to process waste and ammonia can cause and does complicate cloudy eye and popeye and I don't want to burn the eye worse during treatment. Would very much appreciate an existing opinion on my planned course of action. He is the only living thing in tank at the time and my parameters are so low my cheatomorpha reactor barely shows any growth and tank will not support pest alge. System is a 40 gallon with 20 gallon sump.
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Can you post a pic? Is it both eyes or just one? Is it swollen and poped out or just hazy? Are you sure it's not flukes? Flukes can get into the eye and make it look haizy and cloudy as well as cause secondary infection. A 5 min fw dip can confirm if you are dealing with flukes. In the 3-4 min mark you should see them fall off and they look like clear sesame seeds.
If not, it could be an infection in which case best treatment would be kanaplex or erythromycin in qt for a min 10 days.
Thank you for your response.It is only one eye and is definitely swollen and shows degrading tissue damage (I.e. sluffing off dead tissue. Not 100 percent that is not a fluke but other than the eye he acts pretty peppy. No scratching behavior or clamping fins. They are notorious for having bacterial issues when caught in the Philippines is part of my thinking. Would certainly prefer kaneplx but will have to order it and wanted to start treatment as good water and diet aren't going to get him over the hump. Have a vet ready to give me arithromyacin but the medical sources he pulled up said that it would be tough on the liver and to try the myacin family last so I listened. Have to go to my Aikido class soon I will try to post pics when I return after 4 my time. Tried to get him to fight it off with low stress good nutrition and stupid clean water for about four days we showing improvement them got worse so I went ahead and called the vet for antibiotics since no one locally has kaniplex. Would be easy to keep in qt if I could use carbon but afraid it will affect the treatment. I will get more salt so I can keep him in water changes and get the kaniplex as soon as I can get it shipped.
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Really hard to get a good pic he doesn't want to turn the bad eye due to me as I'm sure you know


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Did the fresh water dip for five minutes and two white concave fleshy looking round objects came off or out of the eye. Does this seem like flukes?


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Finally found some pictures pretty sure it's flukes so the new plan is a prazipro regimen. Will wait to hear back from someone before I proceed for confirmation of diagnosis as long as I can
So how does the eye look now after the dip. Yes you did the right thing with FW dip. I would repeat it again in a day to make sure they all come off