what yall think jebao or others?

Considering you can get 5 wp40's for the price of one mp40's im good with the wp40's. If you add in any replacement parts for the mp40 you are up to 6 wp40's. I find it hard to believe that 1 mp40 will outlast 5 wp40's. Ive also had a jebao dc9000 die after 9 months but for the money id get another . Ive seen plenty of people looking for a wetside or something else for vortechs in the last 5 years. Nothing lasts forever, and i like to think i have more sense than money.
You right on that. I can't believe what them company's are asking for a pump. I also seen ppl on CL MIAMI selling their MP40 that don't work or needs something replace. And they still want $200-400 for them. All they want to do is get their money back because they know that they going to lose hard if they sale for less.
Considering you can get 5 wp40's for the price of one mp40's im good with the wp40's. If you add in any replacement parts for the mp40 you are up to 6 wp40's. I find it hard to believe that 1 mp40 will outlast 5 wp40's. Ive also had a jebao dc9000 die after 9 months but for the money id get another . Ive seen plenty of people looking for a wetside or something else for vortechs in the last 5 years. Nothing lasts forever, and i like to think i have more sense than money.

Hey Jimbo- while your comments do make a lot of sence, Ive had my MP40 for 8 years. Onlt replacement was an impeller when i took the wet side off when the dry side was running, It bent, :headwallblue: it was $22.

I had a jeabo on the other side of my tank, it died after 14 months. Truth is I havent even checked whats wrong with it, could be simple. I just dont like its footprint, I know thats my problem, lol, :lmao:.

I just got the Gyre 150 and its very nice. But, yes, it too is pricey.

I think all prices will drop soon when Neptune releases their propeller pump for APEX and others join the circus.
You right on that. I can't believe what them company's are asking for a pump. I also seen ppl on CL MIAMI selling their MP40 that don't work or needs something replace. And they still want $200-400 for them. All they want to do is get their money back because they know that they going to lose hard if they sale for less.
Well first off there is a huge difference in a McLaren and a Ford Festiva .....you get what you pay for in this hobby and there is a reason one holds its value and one is comparable to a bic lighter lol

My advise when thinking about getting into this hobby is that it is not for the faint of heart when it comes to funds....either struggle and deal with problems putting bandaids on things or do it right the first time and drop the dime......their is a time for frugal and when it comes to skimmers and pumps this aint one of them......
:beer:McLaren and a Ford Festiva big different. buy hey if your tank looks good and is running fine. the HELL with it. enjoy and REEF on.!!
Well first off there is a huge difference in a McLaren and a Ford Festiva ...........
not sure that is a fair comparison. The flow is very comparable. On amazon you can get 2 wp40's for 129 so by your logic a McLaren will out last 6 Fiestas, and only go a little bit faster. ..i doubt that.
not sure that is a fair comparison. The flow is very comparable. On amazon you can get 2 wp40's for 129 so by your logic a McLaren will out last 6 Fiestas, and only go a little bit faster. ..i doubt that.

Ya I forgot amazon sells everything and now McLaren s lol 2 please......and yea I wasnt too far off 8.3 buy the way
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