what you think

ill post video of filter room next but system is over 1300gallons in total with tank at close to 1000g . i use 2 skimmers > 1 is a commercial custom 10 foot made from bermuda and other is a becket from precision marine for ozone. However .i have shut all ozone off after very bad case of hlle disease especially on prized fish as gem tang. since ozone off, things are much better and fins growing back. i use rowa dd h20 salt and now small amounts of rox.8 carbon. i really believe all the carbon and ozone caused damage on fish. lighting is intense comprisimg of t5s , betweem reflectors and vho actinics ans 455s front and back of reflectors. inside the lumineracrs are a combo of 400w halides of radium pfo hqi and reeflux 12k on lumateks. all in all i am running 11 400 watt bulbs . i have just started vodka and vinegar dosing . im in week 3 and nitrate is almost at 0 but was only running 5ppm at the high . the sytem has 2 80 gallon breeders connected . one is a frag tank with some angels and one operates a giant cheto ball under 400 w halides. i have taken off gfo for carbon dosing and phosphates have remained at 0. i use combination of 2 calcium reactors , lime water and esv biionic 2 part dosed 4x daily well thasts about it i will film this all
bigcera i think what you are referring to is not ricordia but a very large intertwined laced pocket that has now grown together of green hammer coral
Holy S bro, you must be rich. I counted 3 Vortech's and a washer (for filter socks) in the fish room. Your setup is insane. :) Jealous
Hahaha fair enough....can I come swim in your tank? Then maybe a spin around the block to dry off! Haha no in all seriousness that tank is amazing and tht Gem is goregous! Also liked the black! Where ate you located? We're those all grown from frags?!
I live in long island, ny. Most of these are wild. Some came from the old marital residence 5 years ago. Some are new