Whats going on with my Monti Cap?


New member
I have a Green Monti Cap that's doing just awesomely in my tank, but in the last few days something odd has started to happen to it.

It's become all ridged and gnarly with light streaks and patches all over the colony. What's more it seems whatever is happening is affecting the frags I have scattered around the tank too.
Is this normal for it to do or has something gone wrong?



Normally the colony is a solid green/brown color and not this mottled appearance.
My other monti's and my acro frags seem perfectly fine.

SG: 1.026
Temp: 79-80F
Alk: 8.4 Dkh
Ca: 450 ppm
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It looks like it is partially bleaching. I would test your parameters. It seems to me something is off, I don't think this would happen if everything were sound.
Have you checked Mg? When my Mg was off, my tank did funny things..

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Best I can muster of a before pic.


Don't mind the bleached spot, I broke off a piece that was shading that area. But as you can see in comparison, the red Monti Cap is exactly the same as it is now. Interestingly enough it's a very fussy coral and slow grower, while the green one grows like a weed.

Have not checked magnesium in the last couple of days, but a week or two ago it was over 1400 ppm.
You could also have a Potassium deficiency.... Mine did that as well and after a Triton test I noticed my Potassium was low, boosted it up and they recovered quickly.
What color lights are you using? Not related to your issues just trying to determine what the color is compared to spectrum. Can you do a large water change to kind of "reset" your parameters. IMO neither corals look happy in those pics.
I use an 18000k Hagen Power Glo and a Hagen Marine Glo Actinic lamp.
I'm curious as to what markers you are using to determine coral happiness? My Red Monti Cap has never looked or grown better.
It just looks like there is a lot of pale spots and discoloration throughout of Montis. When was the last time you changed your bulbs. They could be be going bad and are getting a weird color spectrum. I would go ahead and do a significant water change and change your carbon. Try to "reset" your params and see what happens. Its not lost. We just need to figure out what's going on.
I just performed a 50-60% water change a few hours ago.

The Red one has always been like that. But you might on to something, I did just discover I have not replaced my bulbs for just about 12 months. Normally I switch them out on 6 month intervals.
You may wanna change your bulbs too. I'm not sure on the lifespan of Hagen bulbs but 12 months is a long time for any bulb. Keep us posted on how they react after the water change. Also test your params too here in the next few hours and see where everything is. Do you have a potassium test also?
Huh. I never thought about his lights. My green and red/orange montis are very uniform in color. The fact your orange/red one has those areas is a bit odd too.

Btw your green one looks sort of like a Jedi mind trick with those marks! :)

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Huh, I dunno why I end up taking Magnesium for granted.
But it had dropped down to 1120 ppm after water change, probably even lower before.
Actually that's not entirely true, i know why... magnesium is consumed at a slightly lower rate and the test kit is a pain in the butt to use! Flimsy excuse I know.
So I guess first order of business is restoring Mag levels.
From what I've read and have experienced over the past two years, 1120 mag shouldn't cause any issues with corals or alk/calc balance. I'd look elsewhere. I've run mag (if my test kit is correct) around 1150-1200 for the past two years without issue.

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That does indeed seem low; however, I'm not quite sure what the effects of low mag are on a system? If you have the means, maybe a triton text could reveal more? Just a thought.

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