Whats the best reef dvd you have/ or have seen.


New member
Not a show you saw on bbc or something (unless it made it to dvd). But a really good dvd about reefs, not the occasionally quick glimpses of a cuddle fish, octapus, corals etc. then a huge segment on sharks and a sea turtle going on shore to lay eggs (like we all have seen probably 1000 times and its always the same :D ). Something completely dedicated to reefs longer than a half hour or hour? I know white tips etc. are part of reefs blah blah, you know what I mean, the interesting things in reefs that we dont always see..
Good question. I had hoped to get some info when I got here. Hopefully this post will help get it back and someone can recommend some.
Okay - so this doesn't quite qualify. But, on DiscoveryHD I just saw a program called "Equator" that was awesome. It was all on reef corals and fishes. One hour long. It is not on DVD yet, but watch for it!
I liked the Blue Planet series. We got them through NetFlix. We should receive the next one tomorrow - Open Ocean - The Deep. :)
without a doubt

MACGILLIVRAY FREEMAN'S Coral reef adventure....watch it on the PC for full on HD effects :)
I second the blue planet series.

Unbelievable footage...many years by the BBC and discovery channel went into this documentry.

My favorite episode in this 8 part series is Ocean World followed by Coral seas.

Amazing stuff.

I have Netflix as well and got all the Blue Planet discs last week. I enjoyed them all, they were very ineteresting and had some good information.

I have also seen Coral Reef Adventure and liked that one as well. If you have Netflix, or know someone that has it, go search under the documentary section. There are a couple IMAX films that are good, but so far the BBC Blue Planet set was the best I have seen so far.
Blue Planet has won many awards for their series on the ocean. They have one dedicated to coral reefs, but i garuntee you will like them all. They are commonly used in Marine Biology classes in Universities and Colleges for different labs. I completley understand how alot of the programes are just on sharks and the same old stuff, when snails, urchins, lion fish fighting grouper are just as cool. I dont think any other "fish movie" has won an award. I just bought the mammal collection narrated by the same guy. Nice thread.
Is Blue Planet all about reefs or other stuff like sharks? I had recently purchased a 5 disc set called Mysteries of the Deep. It had some nice reef footage, but so much of it was on sharks, shipwrecks, treasure, etc.. I think I have seen some of the blue planet on tv but I thought there was a lot of info which was not on reefs..
Blue planet covers just about everything.

It has episodes about the artic, spawning, the deep, and so on. Trust me it's excellent.

I remember scenes with nudibranch's and even some quick stuff on a mantis.
I second the Coral Reef Adventure (IMAX) DVD. Its GREAT. A good way to inspire others to get into the hobby or to get off their arse and help preserve the remaining reefs of the world.
there is no treasure and shipwrecks in blue planet. There is one episode solely dedicated about reefs w. some shark footage. There are also other ecosystems, the coolest being the abyss. There are open water, coastal water and others. This is not a buried treasure thing, its used in COLLEGES for educational puproses. Professors use them in labs when they cant actually visit the coral reefs, abyss etc. I know this because it was used in my marine bio lab this year and i found it its used in many top 50 shcools. I have seen the IMAX coral reef dvd, and in all due respect its fairly gimicky compared to the Blue Planet. Google it, its won a ton of awards for footage such as time laps of sps growing, or the inside of sponges where tiny shrimp symboitically live w. the sponge hosts and protect it agaist echinoderms.