Have had this for over four months and the past three weeks its been struggling
It was in the sand bed before and I moved him last night hoping for better results.
13 months in
75 Gallon with two clowns, marine betta, Yellow Tang
With GSP, 2 Frogspawn, trumpet coral, birdsnest, zoa frag, torch (also shrunk a little)
Calcium 400
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
DKH between 7 and 8 drops hard to tell with this API test (so 8)
I am running two 165 watt galaxy hydro lights at 70%
Also running carbon and GFO in the sump
It was over twice this size before
It was in the sand bed before and I moved him last night hoping for better results.
13 months in
75 Gallon with two clowns, marine betta, Yellow Tang
With GSP, 2 Frogspawn, trumpet coral, birdsnest, zoa frag, torch (also shrunk a little)
Calcium 400
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
DKH between 7 and 8 drops hard to tell with this API test (so 8)
I am running two 165 watt galaxy hydro lights at 70%
Also running carbon and GFO in the sump
It was over twice this size before