Whats the Deal with my frogspawn


New member
Have had this for over four months and the past three weeks its been struggling

It was in the sand bed before and I moved him last night hoping for better results.

13 months in
75 Gallon with two clowns, marine betta, Yellow Tang
With GSP, 2 Frogspawn, trumpet coral, birdsnest, zoa frag, torch (also shrunk a little)
Calcium 400
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
DKH between 7 and 8 drops hard to tell with this API test (so 8)

I am running two 165 watt galaxy hydro lights at 70%
Also running carbon and GFO in the sump

It was over twice this size before