Whats the impeller difference between Tunze Turbelle, and regular centrifugal pumps.

Gerard Alba

New member
Whats the impeller difference between Tunze Turbelle, and regular centrifugal pumps. (very cool looking pump and a great gadget).
How long should I expect these pumps to last?.
Can I get spare parts?
Wich of them (how many) for a 100 gal tank SPS, full blown reef.

Thank you.
The Turbelle are a submersible water cooled pump. The standard Turbelle like the 1600 and 3000 are much cheaper but have no control possibilities. The 7200/2, 7300/2, 7400/2 are Turbelle Electronic and these can be controlled just like the 2002 and 4002 and for a cheaper cost so despite the pumps costing more the controls cost less and you save money up front. These pumps all add some heat but not much compared to our competition, for example I would expect a 7400/2 on a 100 gallon tank which pumps 1050 gph to raise the temp about 1.5 degrees at most. These pumps last 10 years on average with reasonable care. In this ten years you will likely spend about $100 on parts and maintanence- usually every 2 years you need a new impeller assembly.

The 2002 and 4002 add no heat, they can last 20+ years. They are not for the non mechancally inclined however. They are an old fashioned motor with sealed bearings that need a full strip down and replacement every couple years. The repair cost every 2 years is about $40 dollars, bearings, drive shaft, pinion and spring, washers, felt seal all need to be replaced. They really can last forever but this service takes 30minutes on average. I do the rebuilds for $15 labor. They can be controlled and they are sealed so if they fall in they won't kill you even though I would still unplug it before retrieving it. These are the difference between ours and the other top mounted pumps you may have seen. The controllers cost quite a bit for this style motor though. I stock all the parts for everything we sell and I sell them direct. One last thing, they make noise, they have a fan and it sounds like a computer fan running and kind of a loud one at that, not unbearable but maybe not something you want in the bedroom.

I would get 2 4002 with controller 7082/2 or 2 7400/2 with controller 7095.