What's the most recent fish you've added to your system?


New member
This is my juvi potters wrasse fresh out of QT.

I was surprised to see that it did not immediately hit the sand bed when I released it. I noticed it seems to enjoy swimming in the current.
Nice. Most recent for me was a bloodbath, lol. I did add a melanurus, flame hawk, and female bimac (male was chop liver)....

Got a couple more gems in QT now fighting ich:wildone:

Nice addition Marvin:thumbsup:
These were the last species added (Red Tail Tamarins)....although I have added more of yellow tails, and leopards....this was the last different species added

<a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/user/mrx66699/media/redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b70/mrx66699/redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg"/></a>
This is my juvi potters wrasse.

I was surprised to see that it did not immediately hit the sand bed when I released it. I noticed it seems to enjoy swimming in the current.

Definitely one of my favorites Marvin mine are out from dusk till dawn and you can set an alarm clock with them....nice pick up
These were the last species added (Red Tail Tamarins)....although I have added more of yellow tails, and leopards....this was the last different species added

<a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/user/mrx66699/media/redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b70/mrx66699/redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo redtails3_zpsb148c632.jpg"/></a>

Beautiful fish! Have you had luck with leapord wrasses. I has a pair that lasted about 4 months then they didn't make it. They just stopped eating
Beautiful fish! Have you had luck with leapord wrasses. I has a pair that lasted about 4 months then they didn't make it. They just stopped eating

Shoot me a pm on feeding and long term care so not to derail this threads intent....

Yes wrasses are my thing, especially the leopards and tamarins they are my favorites and I have quite a few....Marvins Potters is one of my favorites of the leopards.....He will love the colors that start to come out as it gets settled in and matures. Definitely a striking fish and if you ever get the chance to pick one up don't pass it up....
What's the most recent fish you've added to your system?

Great looking fish. How long did you QT?

I believe it was actually about a month and half to two months.

It was eating pellets in the store. Which made it even harder not to purchase. I bought two of them at the same time, but one disappeared in qt :(
This is my wife's new addition..She calls him Manny.
I don't buy fish because I am the person cleaning the socks every Sunday !


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