What's wrong with my Clam??


New member
I am suddenly having a problem with my clam. I always catch my skunk cleaner shrimp picking on the clam. The clam will close up and the shrimp with pirch on it and grab down into the clam.

All of my water parameters have being stable and the only change I made was to buy new pc bulbs.

The clam is a squasmosa. It is a 29 gallon reef that is over 2 1/2 years old. I have had the clam for about a year. I have it on the dsb and it sits about 12" from the water surface, 14" from the lights. The lighting is three 55 watt pc's, one 10k, two "03" actinics. I have been feeding Kents phyto, but I am soon going to switch to DT's. Although my Calium has remained slightly low (around 370-400) and my ph reads at 7.7 but I am not sure the test is accurate. My KH is always between 8-10. Am/trite/trate = 0/0/<..05.

I don't see any of those snails on it, but there is some kind of fuzz. Maybe an encrusting sponge. About a week ago, when I changed the lights, the clam was doing great. It was opening up good, with good mantle extension and a good sized intake. Just before I switch the lights, the clam was opening up a bit wide and it was slightly gapping (maybe not enough to even consider gapping.)

The only other change is that I recently started to use limewater for my top-off, which adds slowly using a float switch. This hopefully will solve my minor ph/kh/cal problem.

Any ideas? Anything more I can tell ya. I will try to post pics later.

A guess

A guess

The shrimp is looking for more food?

If there was, or is, nothing wrong with the Squamy as it currently stands, I'd remove the shrimp. Sooner or later the shrimp will pull something important from the clam and that would be bad news.
Is that normal for shrimp to do that to clams? I feed that tank quite well and I am sure the shrimp eats good.
Possibly the clam could be on its way out and the shrimp can sense it and is trying to eat the clam already? Those animals are usually good at sensing things like that even if other animals appear healthy to us.
IME - once the shrimp start picking on the mantle or the inside of the clam it's usually about 24hrs until it's dead.
Try target feeding your shrimp in the meantime so that he does not continue to pick.
I hope I'm wrong though - maybe he just a very hungry shrimp?