What's wrong with my PPE???


Premium Member
Yesterday it looked fine, today it's got these blisters on the stalk and is detatching from the mount. Any ideas of what the problem is?
How long have you had it? is it just the one polyp? To me it looks like its ripping up from superglue because its not happy where it is or maybe to much flow. They should always be in very low flow if they are attached by superglue, Until you see new polyps attached to the rock. I've had one in superglue for a month just one day unattach and float away.
Yes it's just the one polyp and it was superglued to the rock. today in order to keep it from getting lost in the tank, I placed it and the rock it's still partially attached to in a shot glass on the bottom of the tank.
Let me know how it does. I only had the four polyps when I cut that one. I looked two days ago and noticed I had 6 now:). It didn't do anything for the first three months (started with four), then took off after cutting the single polyp out. There may have been one hiding under one of the larger polyps, but surely not three unseen. I inspect daily:). I'm pretty excited about the extras.