What's your history in the hobby? How many and what size tanks did everyone have?
I've been feeling a bit nostalgic about the hobby for the last couple years. That's why I started the Blast From the Past thread. Today, I was looking through that thread during lunch and it got me thinking about my history in the hobby and all the tanks I've had over the years.
I got my start in the aquarium hobby from a young age. Some of my earliest memories (early 1970's) were of my Mom having an Oscar in a 20 gallon tank. Sometime in early grade school Mom set up a 55 gallon freshwater tank. By middle school, I was breeding Bettas which I continued through college (I had 3 divided 10 gallon tanks in my dorm room). I also kept a Piranha in high school. Well, enough of this freshwater stuff, onto saltwater. Note: years may be off a bit
I've been feeling a bit nostalgic about the hobby for the last couple years. That's why I started the Blast From the Past thread. Today, I was looking through that thread during lunch and it got me thinking about my history in the hobby and all the tanks I've had over the years.
I got my start in the aquarium hobby from a young age. Some of my earliest memories (early 1970's) were of my Mom having an Oscar in a 20 gallon tank. Sometime in early grade school Mom set up a 55 gallon freshwater tank. By middle school, I was breeding Bettas which I continued through college (I had 3 divided 10 gallon tanks in my dorm room). I also kept a Piranha in high school. Well, enough of this freshwater stuff, onto saltwater. Note: years may be off a bit

- Early to mid 1980's (memory is fuzzy) - my parents bought a used 200 gallon fish only marine tank. Somehow, I ended up doing most of the maintenance.
- 1986 - I went away to college. Since my school was 4 hours away, I only got to dabble in marine tanks when I was home for breaks and summer. However, I would constantly go to the LFS around school dreaming of setting up a reef tank.
- 1990 - Graduated college and set up a 30 gallon mixed reef using California live rock (yes, you read that right, this stuff was basically coralline covered softball sized/shaped rock). This is when I discovered R. Florida which are still my favorite soft coral to this day.
- 1991 - Moved into an apartment and upgraded to a 58 gallon mixed (softies and LPS) reef with Fiji live rock.
- Late 1992 - Moved our first house and downgraded (to save money) to a 15 gallon mixed reef with Fiji and Tongan live rock.
- 1993 - My parents divorced and neither wanted the 200 gallon. Traded the fish to the LFS and set up the 200 as a mixed reef tank. This is the tank that started my love of Acropora. Over time this tank became an SPS (mostly Acros and Montis) dominated tank.
- Sometime between 1993 and 2003 I also set up a 75 gallon Clownfish/Anemone tank with RBTAs. (I don't remember when I sold that tank).
- 2003 - Moved to a new house, tore down the 200 and transferred my livestock to a 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank in anticipation of a large reef tank.
- 2004 - Setup a 450 gallon SPS dominant reef using Marshall Island live rock. During this time, I also set up a 58 gallon soft coral tank for my wife (I don't remember when we sold that tank).
- 2006 - Horrible algae issues with the 450 due to being so involved in my kids' sports (I was helping coach 5 different teams) and neglecting the tank. So, I sold the tank with the thought of downgrading somewhat.
- Late 2006 - Bought a 240 with the intent to set it up. I got that tank built into a wall in the basement and literally the day before I was going to order live rock, I got laid-off, was out of work 6 months, then did contract work for a year and a half, and finally got a full time job (but with a huge pay cut compared to my previous job).
- Late 2006 - 2010 - First time in my life I didn't have an aquarium of some sort but, I always wanted to get back in.
- 2010 - Set up a 40 Breeder Caribbean biotope using Reef Rocks dry rock and some live rock from a LFS.
- 2015 - Upgraded to a 92 Corner Bowfront (kept the Caribbean theme) with more Reef Rocks dry rock my existing live rock. This tank, due to its shape, was always difficult to light and perform maintenance on.
- 2017 - Purchased a 40 Breeder and a 75 reef ready tanks with the intent to have the 40 be a Caribbean tank and the 75 an Indo-Pacific tank. The 40 got set up right away using Reef Cleaners dry rock and KP Aquatics premium live rock. The 75 never came to fruition as our son was playing college football 3.5 hours away and we went to as many games as we could.
- 2021/22 - Started thinking about just upgrading the 40 to the 75 since it was still sitting empty in my basement. But, I needed to move a wall in the basement before I could do that and I just never seemed to get around to moving the wall
- 2023 - Started thinking about the depth (front to back) of the 75 and started pondering a 120.
- 2024 - Purchased a used (empty) 120 system. Yes, I still haven't moved the wall but, did start working on it two weekends ago.