Whats your PH?


Active member
My PH is consistently 7.8-8. Rarely as high as 8.

My redsea system has had water in it for about 8 weeks. The rock cycled for 3 months prior to filling the tank. I've got cheato and my refugium lighting schedule is opposite of my main lighting. I measure it with a lab grade PH probe on my apex that I've calibrated and recalibrated. I also double checked against an API strip test.

I'm just wondering if lower PH is common down here, if it's a new tank thing, etc. What PH range do your tanks hit?
Mines 7.9-8.2 normally. Recent tank upgrade but all moved from a six yr old system.


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Mine at night with chaeto and 24 hr fuge light is 7.4 at morning/night and 8.1 lights on daytime. Doors, windows open , 8.3. I tried opposite lighting and no better for me, so i went back to 24r.
I used to be 7.8-8. After adding a CO2 scrubber I'm 8.3-8.5, I've never seen better growth.

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As someone mentioned, don't chase ph (imo). Run your airline outside, etc.

As for pH being different down here, I'm assuming your from up north. pH down here is impacted by the fact that windows are closed more often down here vs up north where the temps let ya keep windows open most of the year.

Here in the south, due to heat, windows are closed more often, thus CO2 levels are higher since there isn't no fresh air.

Easy CO2 scrubber: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2222539

Goggole search "diy CO2 scrubber", you'll find tons of cheap ways to make them. the bulk of the money spent will be on sodalime. You can check your local dive shop, but it will most likely be cheaper online in bulk.

Here's my pH over the last 7 days. You can see where we had the windows opened over almost the entire weekend:
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