When are you getting more Coralvue DE bulbs?


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Premium Aquatics -

Just wondering if you might be able to give us a head's up when your next shipment of Coralvue bulbs are expected in if known.

I am specifically looking for the 20K 250W DE HQI Coralvue bulb, item #20K-250HQI-CV on your site.

Also, any impressions on this specific bulb?

Thanks a bunch. Always great doing business with you guys.

The mogule CoralVues will be here by friday, maybe today, so we'll have full stock on every spectrum and wattage. The mogule bulbs look excellent.

The DE bulbs are factory backorder, they are expecting there shipment this week, and will ship to us, so i would figure about 7-10 days on those. I have not seen the DE's in action yet, but from talking with other people, they are very impressive as well.
