When hair algae grows out of control..


New member
not a question but something funny - I went out of town and I think my tank sitter overfed my tank because I came back to it full of hair algae. I ignored it for the last 5 days as of i had a couple exams this week and came home to see my clownfish hosting it. Guess I should start heating up the new water

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Were you out of town for weeks? A short time of overfeeding wont typically result in an all of a sudden hair algae problem..
When hair algae grows out of control..

Were you out of town for weeks? A short time of overfeeding wont typically result in an all of a sudden hair algae problem..

No. Just two days to ski. It probably was going happen anyway and just when I was out of town. I had no algae for a couple weeks and then the day I came back it just exploded everywhere and kept growing. I just manually removed it all

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