When will you finish working on your tank ?


New member
This is what my wife asked me. I told 1.25 years give or take a year or two. Lol. Has anyone been asked this question. Lol
Thats a question that you should never answer. When you do, then you have put a definitive time stamp for the questions to start coming and the date nights to start back up instead of tank husbandry time lol
Thats a question that you should never answer. When you do, then you have put a definitive time stamp for the questions to start coming and the date nights to start back up instead of tank husbandry time lol

Matt, you are in some crazy level some where between home aquarium and open a new sea world. Lol
Tell your wife that a fish tank, like a good marriage, needs constant work and you need to get it new things to keep it happy. Then buy her something nice.
haha. I always tell her "when I upgrade to the next one!"

Best answer yet. I will try that next. Lol

Just buy your wives their own setups already so they stop complaining :) LoL!

she loves the tank just not work behind it.

When I've had enough!:D

never!! Hahahaha.

Its a never ending fun project.

agreed it's very relaxing.

Tell your wife that a fish tank, like a good marriage, needs constant work and you need to get it new things to keep it happy. Then buy her something nice.

she got the buy her something nice part down packed. If I spend 100 on tank she goes spends 100 at Mary's. She tells me she going to pick up the habit of shopping .

lol. She thought you quit

She did think that. Then when I went to buy the 135 and she was like why did you buy a smaller tank? To bad she waited till the 135 was sitting in my living room lol
Finish working on the tank...... Never! The only time you finish working on the tank is when you get lazy to do stuff. I feel there's always room for improvement or something that needs to be done lol.