Where are the mini season pics?

Marvin- last year when we did the film festival at the miami museum they had a food truck giving away lionfish tacos, you know im not a huge fish eating fan but hade to try. I have to admit it was pretty good.

How did I miss free food? Must have been the day you were looking for the elusive "ch'oose".
That is IT. I'm TIRED of this. Guys, I'm getting certified before season next year. I would love to tag along. I can't believe it....I'm a friggin' NATIVE Floridian and I don't have my PADI open water cert. Somebody smack me. Marvin, Eddie, we have a dive date next year. If we're going out by boat, I'll pitch in for gas, and I'm buying lunch. You can use this post as evidence next year.

Really a shame that it took a picture of Eddie's upside-down arse to get me motivated to dive. Scary.

Why wait until next year. The season opens Aug 6th and ends in April. Dude there's so much more to diving than lobsters. But if that's what it takes to get you in the door. Lol

Check out groupon. There are always good deals. If you need instructor recommendations, I can refer you as well.
Wow, I haven't been diving in many years, are Lion fish really propagating this much that you see them all over the place when diving? Sorry been under a rock when it comes to diving, had my tanks hydro last week, but my BCs bladders were messed up from hanging in the garage.:debi:
That's a great Idea, after all its because of aquarium hobbyist that we have this problem

That's actually debateable. But a reminder that maybe we should have Zack Judd come back next year and talk about lionfish and his study.
It may be debatable, but it's certainly the most plausible when the consider how many other non native '' pets'' are taking over south Florida just look at freshwater canals or the snakes in the glades or those iguanas that are everywhere.
It may be debatable, but it's certainly the most plausible when the consider how many other non native '' pets'' are taking over south Florida just look at freshwater canals or the snakes in the glades or those iguanas that are everywhere.

I agree with you. Ive heard of nonnative tangs being seen in deerfield or boca. Im sure they did not decide to visit FL on vacation and decided to stay due to our nice weather. Lol
But for anyone that has sat through one of Zack's presentations, he hits on the "stories" and ideas of how they arrived here.

Bottom line is based on the information I've seen, lionfish are here to stay unless there is some kind of significant environmental impact that causes them to die out. He showed use pics of lionfish several hundred feet deep. I want to say as deep as 1000 feet.
while were on the topic of lobsters, whats your favorite ways to cook/grill them? Let's see some recipes!

I split mine and baste with garlic butter and chives on the grill.

I saw a recipe for jerk lobster that looked good. But haven't tried it yet.
Marvin, going to start using them for mutton bait on my next Tortugas trip :)
