Where should I get my plumbing parts from?


New member
Lowes/HD seem to have everything I need for setting up my 500g, but I noticed in most build threads that most people order their's online. Are the ones online "better" then the ones from the local stores? Any recommendations for online venders if you feel there better? I only need to get TUBV and BV. Also same goes for the flex PVC?--online better? Thanks
I'm not sure why anyone would order online. Probably for convenience of not going through Lowes and dealing with all the stuff being in the wrong places lol. I wouldn't imagine it would be for price but I could be wrong.
some plumbing parts such as bulkheads are not available at lowes,more choices online and prices are at times cheaper online,try aquacave.com only 4.95 shipping.
I agree in that you can get most plumbing supplies at your local hardware store. When it comes to bulkeads and other specialty pieces a LFS or online would be best.
Savko has some great specialty parts that you can't find at the box stores, like black PVC, and many special fittings. For the standard stuff, I really like the American-valve stuff at Lowes like the unions, and TUBVs, plus those are pretty much the same or better price that you can find online and the quality is superb.