Where to sell coral frags occasionally


New member
For the first time since I started reefing, I'm getting coral that are just getting too big. Mainly a couple of birdsnest corals. I'd like to prune them and sell some off the frags or trade for other coral, but not sure how to go about this. I'm not looking at this time to get into making a hobby out of buying and selling coral, but just looking for a good way to occasionally frag my coral and sell once in a blue moon.

how do you guys go about selling your coral? especially those of you who do not do it frequently and have dedicated frag tanks
Try trading with your local fish store in exchange for store credit. I've done this and it's much easier than dealing with the general public where people can be flaky. I've also traded with local hobbyists.

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Easiest is via a local club forum (so no shipping). Look toward the bottom of the index page for "Reef Club Forums" and see what might be nearby.

Try trading with your local fish store in exchange for store credit. I've done this and it's much easier than dealing with the general public where people can be flaky. I've also traded with local hobbyists.

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Easiest is via a local club forum (so no shipping). Look toward the bottom of the index page for "Reef Club Forums" and see what might be nearby.


I go both routes.I've sold some to local reefers, and my LFS has been more than happy to take overgrown colonies in the past. I'm certain they are making a ton of money off me but I really don't care, either by fragging themselves or just selling the colony for 3x what they gave me for it. I figure if I help them they'll be more willing to help me.

FWIW - the frags I sell to local reefers go for $5 - $15 max depending on type and size. I don't expect to make any money - just spread the joy.
Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure what way I want to go about it yet. Being that I only have one type of coral now that would need alot of pruning, I might see if I have a LFS that would trade a bunch of my frags for a few new ones. I'd be happy with that. I may make more money selling for $10 each to hobbiests, but would be a hassle having a bunch of people coming at different times just to pick up one frag. Once I have more variety of corals that need fraging, that may be a better option as I would more likely be able to sell a few at a time.
I sell cheap/trade on Craigslist. While sometimes it is a pain, I have met a lot of great fellow reefers. Trades are kinda fun too 'cause I get great corals that I wouldnt otherwise pay cash for. Last night I traded a couple small monti frags for a nice wrasse and last week I traded a small purple bonsai for 4 polyps of Utter Chaos.
Cheers! Mark
I support my local LFS stores by trading in coral frags. They give me store credit which is essentially an interest free loan, I use the credit on retail priced goods, and they make money off the retail price of the frag and the goods. Win win IMO.