Where's the blue?!


New member
I've ordered 3 different kinds of blue Zoas and they always arrive brown. They are doing well and growing but they are not blue, not even close. What's going on? I have T 5's and they are about mid way in the tank. They are brown! The center is fluorescent orange. It looks pretty, but I want blue. Can someone please tell me the mysterious secret of The Blue Zoo?!
This is what I bought from a local reef club friend. Tubbs blues.

Not sure why yours come brown I would do some calling and complaining.

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? They look blue to me you just didn't get the Tubbs blues which have the deep blue throughout the polyp head.

Very nice zoas you have there though, I hope they do well for you.
? They look blue to me you just didn't get the Tubbs blues which have the deep blue throughout the polyp head.

Very nice zoas you have there though, I hope they do well for you.

The original poster hasn't posted any pics of their zoas.
Happens all the time LOL. I usually try not to post pics in threads asking for ID or stuff like this because people get confused!

No idea where the original poster went, was hoping they would post a pic.
It could be your lights are too yellow, that'll brown out blue zoanthids in no time, what's your lighting?

well, OP disappeared, but i have the same question. mine started out as blue as fishfryes, and now after about the 3rd week of having them, mine are all brown. they are healthy, even have babies forming already. just not blue anymore.
Did you acclimate your blue polyps properly when you first added to the tank meaning, did you start it lowest part of your tank then slowly start moving them higher as time goes on?

What bulb combination do you have on your T5s? as when I had 8 T5s over my old 100 I had various blues all over the tank and some where literally 5-8" off the waters surface and the light was 5" from the water. just depends on the conditions of your tank, lighting scheme etc.

Here are some on the sand bed, rock work etc.

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they were put in the tank the same way about 30 other frags form the same place have been, from jason fox pieces, to tyree, to cornbreads, to unnamed... everything is fine, but my tubbs blues turned brown. and grats to everyone posting how pretty their blues are, doesnt help us much though
Well the pic shows them purplish but i took it with my phone so it is slightly off but kinda close. But thhey did start off with bright blue centers and brown edges. Now they are all the one color. But im 100% sure they are tubbs blues, i watched them get fragged from the mother colony
What bulb combination do you have on your T5s?

under different lighting some polyps looks somewhat like other named polyps until you put them in your tank under you lighting. I had bought some polyps from a fellow reefer that had them as tubs, i picked the frag that looked like tubs, but after getting it under my tank and LED"s, I noticed they weren't tubbs but actually orgasms' as the skirt was not brown but actually green in nature.
OP here! Thank you for all the input. Some of you have gorgeous Blue Zoas. Gives me hope.
I have been trying different color bulb combinations, thinking Organism was probably right. It seems to have worked. To answer your questions, yes they arrived brown from shipping stress I assumed. I have 6 T5 bulbs. Present combination are ATI brand, 4 actinic and 2 10,000 K. Two of the three have now finally turned blue. They both look like Tubbs Blue though they were both sold to me as Metallic Blue. :rolleye1: The third variety has grown tremendously, but instead of blue has become a florescent pink-orange. Better than brown!
Thank you all for the input.